Roxy the '71 Panel - So That's What's Wrong With the Engine

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junglefacejake said:
Gutted to hear your woeful first trip tale. :(
Sounded like extreme symptoms for just a blocked fuel filter.
Hope it all gets sorted
gninnam said:
Great news :mrgreen:

What was it then ;)
It was a lot more than the fuel filter - that was just the biggest culprit.

There were lots of little bits wrong with the engine that I don't think were helping. Here's a list of some of the bits I've tackled this last couple of weeks:

  • First, most obvious thing, was to replace all the fuel lines, fuel filter and clips.
  • Rebuilt the carbs and ensured that all galleries were clear and free.
  • Both carb bases were banana'd/warped so I flatted/skimmed these so that they now get a proper seal (no more air leak there).
  • Speaking of air leaks, the balance pipe ends were perished causing a leak there too.
  • New HT leads. The sparkplug end of lead 1 was broken and perished pretty bad (less than half of it left).
  • New plugs (set gaps)
  • Set valve clearances (they were quite a way out)
  • Oil change
  • New fanbelt. The one on there was probably okay for a while longer but new one is good and tight and shimmed correctly.
  • New dizzy. Got rid of the [apparently rubbish] T25 electronic ignition unit and put in the Accuspark SVDA unit I've had knocking around for over a year
  • New (old) fuel pump. It's never good when the barb from the pump comes off with the rubber hosing, so off with the dynamo pump and on with a decent alternator pump that I have "borrowed" from my old engine.
  • Bit of a general spruce up (degrease and quick splash of high temp paint to keep the rust at bay on the tinware)
  • Straightened and re-welded the moustache bar. Replaced the mounts as one had completely sheared in half!
  • Cleaned the [really] dirty air filters
  • Fuel regulator put in place (planning ahead for a future electronic fuel pump install)
  • New (old) exhaust fitted as the one on there before was too loud.
  • ...that's all I can remember right now!

Still to do:
  • Double check the electronic chokes on the carb (anyone know how I can test these?)
  • Re-fit the air filters
  • Get it idling happily
  • Test drive
  • Get it booked in for a rolling road session with an old-school tuner to get things set up proper
  • Enjoi it for a few weeks before sending it off for a little winter work :D

At least, I hope that's all that's left to do!

I am a little concerned that my fuel pressure might be a little low so might have to source a different push rod (that's all I can think would cause it). Test drive should prove this pretty easily!
Was a good size list but sounds like you should have gotten to the bottom of it :mrgreen:

Fingers crossed for you bud ;)
Only managed an hour tonight and it was a mixed bag.

I decided to just turn the key and see if it would start. It was catching but crapping out almost straight away. So I bang the timing light on and get my dad to turn the key and of course it starts first turn and runs just fine.

So obviously when I timed it last night I didn't put the #1 lead back on the dizzy cap well enough :roll:

Plugs back on and restarted. It was definitely revving too high. Quick look at the linkage and I noticed that it wasn't returning back far enough... curious.

Any ideas?

Manually pushing the linkage back to the idle stop caused the van cut out. Back on with timing light, vac pipe off, looked a little advanced (what do I know?!). Tweak, test, pretty fine.

Hope to get back down there on Saturday and/or Sunday and get to give it a bit of a test drive (after sorting the clutch wingnut, wheel back on, valance, bumper, done).

Mixed emotions but still half a step forward :D
Clutch sorted, valance on, wheel on (bugger of a job), bumper loosely fitted as I can't find the bolts for the splash pans...

Possibility of a test drive tomorrow all going well 8)
gvee said:
Quick look at the linkage and I noticed that it wasn't returning back far enough... curious.

Any ideas?

I had this on mine, I had adjusted the pivots on each end of the linkage to far out preventing the linkage pivoting freely enough.

gvee said:
Plugs back on and restarted. It was definitely revving too high. Quick look at the linkage and I noticed that it wasn't returning back far enough... curious.

Any ideas?

You might have pulled the accelerator cable a bit to tight when connecting it up. Try just loosening off the nipple a little and see if the cable returns towards the front.
Too many posts without a picture so I took a quick snap in the dark, on my mobile :msn4:


So the good news is that I took her for a test drive this evening after refitting the bumper with added over-riders. They're not quite the right white so might not stay on. Lost two rubbers so haven't got any on the front yet. Might give me a chance to try match the colour a bit better before fitting (if I can find the time).

Back to the test drive... Not timed it up properly - need to do some reading and double check what it should be. I've only ever had a 009 so can do idle timing but this vac-advance stuff is throwing me off a bit.

It drove... okay. Little bit of popping and flat spots (hence my guess at timing). Definitely revving too high because of difficult return in the linkage and cut out a couple of times when it did return (albeit too far). I did tweak the nipple ;) It's as far as it can go without running out of cable. Wondering if there's a kink or something that's catching? If not then considering just uprating the springs and seeing if that sticking plaster does the job.

By the way Jake, the hardest part of getting the wheel back on was getting the bolt back through the shock and hub! :lol:

@Bay-low, not sure my linkage has that kind of adjustment in it. Going to WD40 or grease the joints and have another play soon.
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
I went straight from work to the van again this evening with the aim of re-timing it after the test drive on Sunday.

Hopped in, turned the key... Nothing. Zip. Nada. Diddly-squat... :cry:

Battery seems right. Have lights with no dimming whatsoever. All fuses seem fine. Currently surmising that it's the starter motor or its solenoid as there's not a peep coming from there.

Only just put the van back on the deck as well!

Couldn't exactly lie underneath it so I got an old broom handle and a wooden mallet and gave the starter motor a few thumps.

Still nothing.


Might have to wait until daylight hours on Saturday before doing any more. Really have to get it running well before the end of next week because it's got an appointment with an old school tuner to get the carbs nailed and that's not exactly a short drive away!
Spent the day with my father trying to work out what was going on with the van. Back to basics on electrics to prove a few points before having to go to the effort of jacking it up and checking the starter motor and solenoid.

There was a curious plastic bag wrapped up in gaffer tape under there with a couple of wires sticking out...

Opened it up and inside was a relay. The relay was toast. Managed to get to my local motor factors 3 minutes before they closed and got a replacement.

Wired it up and: She's ALIVE!!

So my understanding is that this is a hot-start relay that should be kept nice and close to the starter motor in order to provide low resistance and high voltage. However I really wasn't happy with having it under there as it's one of those that's a pain in the butt things to sort out when being only a few inches from the ground. So I have relocated the new one in the back of the engine bay.

Reset the timing a bit better and toddled off for a test drive with my father. Drove nice. Not perfect, but good! Good enough to get to the tuners next Saturday (I hope)!

No pictures today, except for wiring references and somehow I don't think that'd be much fun for you folks :msn4:

I'm a very happy chap this evening :D
Chuffed for you that you got to the bottom of it and fingers crossed for next weekend 8)
How are you getting on Andy? How long have you got left hopping around?

Had a chat with the old, carb wizard today. Unsociably early start on Saturday to get there for when they open to give them as long as possible with the van. All fingers crossed for a drama free weekend :mrgreen:
I'm ok thanks. Another 2 and a half weeks to go........

Sounds like you should get it back and purring like a kitten after next Saturday..... hopefully. :D
Went for a cruise tonight. Got a little carried away and was out for over an hour :lol:

Can't wait until Saturday afternoon when she is purring like a kitten 8)
gvee said:
Went for a cruise tonight. Got a little carried away and was out for over an hour :lol:

Can't wait until Saturday afternoon when she is purring like a kitten 8)

Its good to carried away sometimes - sounds like you are happy with the tweaks so far then.
Drove the 60 miles over to see The Man but the van was popping quite a lot under load. I naively put this down to mis-timing and/or exhaust fittings on the tailpipes not being tight enough and letting air out.

Unfortunately it turned out that despite cleaning up and rebuilding the carbs with new gaskets I still had air leaks! The Man knew something was up as soon as he heard it but brought it in to teach me a thing or two :lol: He sent me on my way with some seriously thick gasket paper, some carb cleaner and half a brain of knowledge. Trotted off home and immediately began work when we got home.

Pulled each carb, one at a time and re-did the mating faces between the throttle body and the inlet manifold. The Man's advice was to cut my own ones and put two between each joint. Seems to have made a massive improvement. Think there's still a small air leak from the throttle body but I reckon this is coming from the shaft as there's a little front-to-back play in it. Then removed the balance pipes from the inlet manifold and capped the outlets off. I have never seen an engine with these before and The Man told me to chuck'em and cap'em as soon as he saw'em, so that's what I've done. It's not exactly the prettiest job in the world, but it will do for now.

Either way, it did an 120 mile round trip without issue and runs better now we've cured the majority of air leaks.

Back down on Saturday to tinker but this will mostly be on electrics.

Need to take more pictures :msn4:
Good result :)

Sounds like it is now heading in the right direction of you getting a good runner :mrgreen:
Since I last posted I broke the 1,000 mile barrier with this bus :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
This was on the return journey from the EB Christmas Diner meet (which was great by the way!)

I haven't done a whole heap of stuff due to a distinct lack of free time but I have managed to wire up a few new gauges. Where there was once a 2-unit pod there's now a 3 with a new temperature and rev counter (the base of the old dash mounted one broke :roll: ) As well as getting them all to light up 8)

Oh, I also swapped in a new/old head unit. Basically so I could have a 3.5mm audio jack. I then sorted the door speakers and fitted check straps on the cab doors. Lots more to do on the audio front at a later date...

Been trying to work out what to do with my front suspension for a while and have a couple of plots hatching. Need to narrow the track by a little so that the tubs that stick out too far can be corrected. Crossing all fingers for some good weather for the next couple of weeks so I can try get things done before Roxy goes off to stay with Graham at MEB to get a little work done.

Keep meaning to take more pictures but my DSLR seemed to be fooked and so only have my crappy phone.

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