Oh bugger. What a day!
So the plan was to get the THaus dropped spindles from my crossover and swap them on to Roxy. After reminiscing about how bloody annoying it was fitting them in the first place we decided that the easiest option was to simply swap the beams.
Dropping the beam off the crossover took about 2 hours :roll: We undid everything, removed the beam bolts and when we lowered the jacks... the beam stayed put! It took us about 30 minutes to free the beam from the chassis (see picture in previous post).
Started stripping the beam off Roxy. After whipping off both callipers I lay under the bus and it was only then that I realised something.
Roxy has a servo. The other van does not. The other beam doesn't even have a bracket for one!
So back to the drawing board we went and it was decided that fabricating something was out of the question because of timescales and not sure we had anything that would cut the centre hole through he gauge of steel required.
I started stripping the other beam for the spindles and then realised that I simply could not get the ends apart without something to pull against. So we put the beam back in the crossover (which was certainly easier than removing it

So both vans are now disabled, up on axle stands on the driveway.
Ran out of daylight and feeling in fingers after only getting one set of trailing arms and spindles back on to Roxy.
Fingers crossed for less rain and wind tomorrow as our makeshift cover won't take much more :lol:
If anyone have any standard spindles and trailing arms for a '71-'72 (disk brake) model that they want to swap for a lowered set let me know ASAP before they go on the crossover.