Roxy the '71 Panel - So That's What's Wrong With the Engine

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Cutting a long story short: health on a slight downturn, not able to work on the van at present :|
Nowt to worry about though; the specialists are on it!

On the plus side my brother got me a signed copy of the new Truckfighters album 8)
Cheers guys, just trying to take things a little easier at the moment. I can't do it all! :roll:

Just really annoying that I haven't anywhere near the van since brining it home from MEB - parked it up and it's been sat ever since. I have a feeling there's an MOT due on it relatively soon and I still have a list of things to get done before then!
Oh dam you was just making some really 8) progress.

Get yourself well asap your van needs you.

hope you get sorted soon

I visited my parents briefly last night where I found that both my vans (the '72 project - for sale if you're interested - and Roxy) were both up on axle stands :shock:

Turns out my father has been a bit of a gem and on the only dry day last week started stripping the front suspension down (again!) to swap the Transporterhaus arms and spindles on to the panel van.

Wish I had a picture (it was too dark) because he got it at its maximum possible height at the front. So high in fact that not only was it nearly stock height ;) but the rear bumper was on the deck and I've no doubt the moustache bar was joining it there! :lol:

Apologies to the people who I said I would look for parts for (e.g. Shiplee, Adey, Hilly, etc) but I'm afraid other things have taken precedence at the moment.

In other news: I might be getting my very own garage soon :msn4:
Hey Chris, I'm not far from the Airport. What about you (PM if you like)? I am a member of LVC and HDVWC but haven't really got to any meets in a long time (only 1 LVC meet so far this year!)

I will try get to Spring Dub but with everything going on at the moment I can't promise anything. My van might still be airborne on 2nd March :lol:
Sounds like a great dad you have there :D

And a possible garage - bonus :mrgreen:
Yeh good news on the garage front George

--------------------------------------Own a Bay?....... Feel the love!
Roxy has had more fettling my the father and is back together and drivable ...albeit too high :mrgreen:

It's imperfect but will be incredibly handy when it comes to the upcoming move in a couple of weeks. I'm not of far - about 1-1.5miles up the road from a top floor flat to a cheeky end terrace complete with garage.

One happy chap right here! :D

There's still loads to do with the van to get it right. Need to set tracking and caster up front, possibly a change in wheels (standard 14" steels, perhaps) and tyres, slam it properly, measure for new shocks, order and fit.

Can't leave you without any pics so I will give you what I am predicting will be the eventual height of the bus (apologies for the wonkyness, this is before the rear suspension was set correctly)


Took the van out for a little spin earlier but had a few more teething problems.

Managed to get the thing to stop cutting out but the idle is now too high (seemed reasonable enough when cold but once warm was OTT).

The remaining problems I am chalking up to the steering geometry for now. So much has changed up front and I need to read up on how to get things better than they are.

But the good news is that it is good enough to be used as the workhorse for moving house next weekend!
Roxy has a new [temporary] name: "The Useful Bag Of Spanners"!

I twiddled with the idling so its not cutting out all the time but its still got air leaks and running too rich but at least it was usable. The tracking/alignment/caster/camber/whatever is still way off so I can't get full lock and get some rubbing. Also there's what we think is some brake binding when going round right hand corners...

The van worked its butt off helping me move to a new house over the weekend. It got packed to the rafters for a number of journeys and did me proud :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Once loaded up though the ground clearance was about 3/4" - that made for a fun journey - I'm glad I wasn't moving far!

She's not in the garage yet (no key :roll: ) but sat on the driveway looking fierce :D

Here's a few (terrible) pics from the weekend. The Neptune van is TinTop's 8)


A few of the helpers :D


I had no idea this photo was taken but I'm the one gurning behind the wheel :oops:


Fully laden and waiting for the elves to unload. Looks bloody sky high but the beam is so close to the floor!


New home :D


The day ended with a lovely red sky, some chilled out tunes, a few Stellas and the unpacking of boxes did commence!


Massive thank you to TinTop, J, Edd, Cas, P and Lisa - couldn't have done it without you

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