Skateboard anyone?

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I knew I'd get some cool responses on this forum. It seems that Classic VW's and Skating go hand in hand (maybe that's why they had a mini ramp at Bug Jam, DOH :oops: )

It's so cool to hear from Guys who remember the good old days, Faux, you sound just like me!

We do all need to hook up, Childsey, I had a Town and Country deck once, can't remember which though.

Surfbus, get your longboard nooooooooooooooooow, my son loves it! LOL

Ray Barbee was a God, I have Shackle me not and Hocus pocus on DVD and they rule.

Favourite ever skater though has to be Matt Hensley, I wore the Hensley chain for years (chain with wallet attached) and still do sometimes. He rules.

Any of you guys going to Volksworld?

i too am 34 and was well into my skateboarding and bmxing. i used to live in leicester and skate at the law courts each sunday on the way home from some roller skating venue near the football ground.
i used to have a variflex hitail and a pair of bauer 33 skates but when i moved to notts i used to hang out at roller snakes and skate in the market square and broadmarsh banks. any readers of rad will know these haunts and my best board ever was a double kick valealy with the farm yard scene on the bottem with indy trucks but with g&s plastic base plates.
i used to use huge kriptos reds on my bauers with even huger paded hocky sox.
my best bmx was a rebel freestyler and a skyway streetbeat in dove grey with grey skyways, odyssey barefeet, and grey skyway hot seat mmmmmmm, ac rotor etc it was rude.

my friend who lives near my workshop is a collector of bmx bits and trades at a few shows

he told me the other day his mate has a nos quadrangle for sale so by the time the bus is on the road some old skool bmx will be strapped to the roof rack
I`m gonna dust off my old board and get some pics up!
Would be good to meet up.
I `m going to volksworld show for starters.
Cheers Paul.
all the bmx crew showed their bikes along with their buses at brighten last year. looked the nuts. what i dont like is a f##king grifter strapped to the roof or a chopper as they were poo when we were kids. i hope my kids get into boarding but there seems to be so many things to get into nowadays. i also hate those small skateboards shops sell too. you just cant do anything on them (tried to impress the kids but just wasnt good). sound like a right moaner :evil: sorry
animal chin,shackle me not, wheels of fire, public domain, hocus pocus Arhhh think my fav was public domain tho 8)

Remember traveling over to nottimgham with some mates to skate the rollersnakes mini ramp then getting the bus to skate the one at beaston and then getting thrown off the broadmarsh banks, are they still there?


Beacause of this thread i put the newly built board in the back of the caddy last night and when we got to asda i had a skate round the carpark for a bit, nothing crazy just a few ollies and powerslides, loved it....... but my back hurts a little this morning opps

i'm thinkig of getting a new board set up probably go for a cruiser with a square tail - so can still pull a few tricks and can get around town - any recommendations??
Glad you boys are gonna fuel the passion. I went skating last weekend with my mate (who's only 25). managed to land a few tricks (only kickflips and a few variations) but you're right Ant, my body did feel it the next day.

I did like Public Domain, Powell did make amazing vids and I'll never forget Mike V running through a graveyard (LOL). I have to like H street the best though, as I said, Matt Hensley was the man!

DagBoy, you can get repros of most old decks, go for a Powell; Steve Cab, Lance Mountain, Mike V etc. Classic decks, nice shape and easy to flip but wide enough for mens feet!

One more pic, my favourite;
I was a skater many years ago too, but the lack of any facilities here made it difficult to keep the enthusiasm going.
Public areas were greased, gravelled and rails notched etc. We built a mini (micro?) 'Animal Chin' in my parents garden, from
scavenged plywood and beams, which kept us going for a while. :lol:

Best board I had was a Tommy Guerrero (flaming dagger) carried home from California by my aunt as the only P&P
decks available here were XT Boneite - which was complete and utter ***** IMO. :roll: :lol:
I loved that old thing, had indys and the new T-bones, 99A which literally were hard as nails.

A ****** up knee made it painful and it fizzled out in my teens but I have given it a go a few times since,
30th birthday got me a new board, but I found myself out of breath too easily. :mrgreen:
I think this is the only picture I have of me skating, it was from RAD (March 92) not the best pic sorry. I never owned a camera until they cam with phones :mrgreen:

You got it Ant, run.........jump and hope for the best. You couldn't get the speed to ollie onto it because of the mat!
windsurfer said:
You got it Ant, run.........jump and hope for the best. You couldn't get the speed to ollie onto it because of the mat!

I know those run ups too, not sure I ever had a mat waiting.

I did break my coccyx, on an Aldi so should have been Marks and Spensers :|
Good thread! I thought I should contribute. I'm 35 now and still have a few boards, but don't get out that much these days. If I do its only for a carve and a few grinds.
Fookin love wall rides

Day trip to Romford B/S grinds in the pool 87ish

Scary hand rails, ***** run up so its caveman style.

B/S airs out the fly off mmmm yumy. Used to take it all over that little ramp. Even used to take it to school for a session at break times.
good pics fella :) i had them airwalks :)

Funny how we all seem to have come from the same stock it seems buses are a natural progression for elderly skaters lol

we too had a fly off we carried everywhere!!! and a long yellow plastic gas pipe for super long boardslides
Sweet pics Double cab, I love the wall ride. :eek:

It's true what you say Ant, I noticed when I first got into the VW scene that loads of people seemed into Skateboarding, never seen so many Independent Tee's and Ol' Skool stickers on Campers . Thing is, Skating's always been an underground sub culture (although it's now getting more mainstream), when I was young there were only a few boarders in my school. Because there were not many who 'got' (understood the passion) I would always socialize with and go up to other skaters and chat, it was a unwritten rule that we'd get on.

The VW scene is similar (in my opinion), it's a relatively small scene, yes everyone loves Splitties but only a few people really 'get' the passion, it's all consuming. Funny really, when I was young my girlfriends would say 'you love that board more than me' (which I did) and now my wife says I'm having an affair with my 68! LOL

Keep the Pics flowing!
69doublecab Day trip to Romford B/S grinds in the pool 87ish [img said:[/img]

ahh rom skate park my haunt for many a year - this is the sugar bowl as us locals called it- few of my mates lost teeth on this f**ker

anyway hers some pics of my Jeff Phillips BBC board - weather was nice todayso took it our with the longboard for some ollies :lol:




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