Skateboard anyone?

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windsurfer said:
pk1was said:
Does anyone remember Sundays at Bolton water place, now that was awesome, i have some old photos somewhere, my party piece used to be ollieing over a pallet stood on end, without using a ramp, then watchin my mate on his torker having a go wiping himself out.

Used to spend too much time at Ince skate park as well, My sons 13 now and is out skating as i speak at the new park at the rear of ecky, if anyones local, would love to go back to it, but my knees are a bit fooked now.

Hey Dude,
A pallet on the side.......... that's high!
My son's 3, I hope he stays into skating. I'm thinking of building a min ramp in my back garden (4ft high), that'll give him a good start!
We need to get a skate/VW session on the go!

thinking the same thing about a ramp today

got a nice bit of space at the back of the garden :lol:
Sweet, I have been getting out on my deck a bit recently. My heart's in it but I certainly don't have as much skill now!

It is great to get out though, get some pics Dagboy. :mrgreen:
Just found this on Youtube.
If you know Newquay, this is by the Skateshop just up from the Aussie bar" onclick=";return false;
Enjoy! :mrgreen:
Cool Jon, I look forward to you showing us at the campout, Perranporth's not far. I'll bring my deck just in case you forget :lol:
keep me out of it :) those vids don't show how high that is.............. good luck jon if you make it the beers in the walkabout are on me :D
seems im a similar ilk (and age) to you mr windsurfer!!!! started on a roskopp the tender age of 14
then a cabballero (sp?)
after that had in no particular order
mcgill - with boneite layer
h street ron allen
vision gater
gonzales twin face
ray barbee
and finished on a ray underhill cross and chains (my favourite)

at the age of 19 ollied it down 6 steps....landed in the middle of the deck...snapped it clean in 2......and never skated again!

favourite wheels where either tracker ollies or powell t bones
favourite trucks were my gullwings and the best rails i had were ugly stix!!!!
ahhhh its all coming flooding back to me now!!!
wish i had kept it up....but there ya go...

on my roof rack you can usually find a vision lee ralph with independents and santa cruz bullets...
upstairs on the landing is a NOS powell ray underhill cross and chains with NOS trackers and NOS santa cruz sex cells!!
oh and hanging on the wall above that is a skyway ta!!!!! :mrgreen:

if i make it down to the cornwall campout you might get to see my newly finished oldskool skate interior! ;) or at lobb fields praps.........
heres a tune that has a fond place in my heart......probably windsurfers too!!!! :mrgreen:
videos pretty cool too..... although not the original part of public domain..." onclick=";return false;

i have spent years trying to find decent copy of this....and finally have and it has a special place on my ipod now!!!
I knew what song that was going to be before i clicked the link, windsurfer and i were talking about that very song on public domain at bus types the other week. I remember recording it (through the air) and then listening to it whilst skating.

Could i get a copy of that off you at lobb-on fields dude(i'll bring me laptop)

This is my old ride, will restore it one day although i may build it up just to havesomething to ride soon

Mongoose decade, had it from new!

and built this for the wife, its a Redline, needs new wheels..... the bike not the car ;)
Ant and Thru a lupe, that is piss funny. We were indeed talking at Bus types, the conversation went like this;

Ant: 'I can play one tune on the guitar Si, you might know it'
Si(Windsurfer): 'Does it go like this (da da da public domain tune)'
Ant: "No way, that's the tune'

It was a cool moment!
We should all take our decks to Lobb! Can't wait. 8) :mrgreen:

Axl, wicked bike! I'm going to start taking mine to the shows.
windsurfer said:
Ant and Thru a lupe, that is piss funny. We were indeed talking at Bus types, the conversation went like this;

Ant: 'I can play one tune on the guitar Si, you might know it'
Si(Windsurfer): 'Does it go like this (da da da public domain tune)'
Ant: "No way, that's the tune'

It was a cool moment!
We should all take our decks to Lobb! Can't wait, I'm fully stoked to be finding so many old skool skaters. It was and still kinda is my life! 8) :mrgreen:

Axl, wicked bike! I'm going to start taking mine to the shows.
Ha! i am sitting at work currently editing photos and listening to the very tune..... it flookin rocks!
been trying to get my band to cover it...... but they just dont get it!!!!! :roll:

unfortunetly i didnt possess a camera when i used to skate.....

i did have one photo of me skating at lunchtime at school but its buried in a box somewhere at my folks place....

i remember the days of trying to get away with wearing airwalk hi tops, black vision trousers and my guerro tshirt to school!!! quite hard when ya mum was a teacher there!!!

'rolling down streeeeeeeeeets paved with desire, broken dreams like.......shattered landscapes.......public re-frain......belongs to no-one.....owned by everyone!!!!!' :mrgreen:

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