slammed on standard 14" rims

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gulf blue 62

New member
Jun 21, 2009
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Evening all,

Im looking to send my bus to T2d in the near future for a good hit with the lowering stick.
The intention is to get it as low as i can without tubing, so who out of you guys has a similar ride height whilst still on the standard 14" rims ? and what tyre combo have you opted for ?

Pics and info would be much appreciated.

Cheers sam
hi talk to paul at T2D hes done every combination you could think of and more, and he will have pics of the buses in various set ups , dropped spindles is probably the best route but talk to paul and if you get the chance drive a bus with the set up you have been advised with

This was on the "Oii ! Late bayers pop up yer pics!" thread


Also, have you looked at the 'Stance' thread, stickied at the top of tech?
Plenty of lowered buses on stock rims :D

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