Well since my last post I have been a busy boy with both the bus and IT issues in the home!
Anyway back to business, after refitting the refurbed top locker the trims turned up from ReproWestie and they are a great match for the OG bits.
I have installed 4meters of fresh trim in the bus and refurbed as much as possible.
Secondly my replacement fuel sender (VDO) arrived and I have sucessfully replaced the old unbranded one that appeared to be sticking at the bottom of the floats travel - its freed off now so have a hot spare if I need it. I did cut an access panel however it wasnt all bad and nobody would know now I have fitted a replacement panel and sound deadening. If it does fail again its a little more straightforward to get to.
Thirdly all my dash lights now work after replacing all the old filaments with snazzy LED items - was a bit daunting taking the dash to bits but hey ho you live and learn. I also replaced a couple of the nasy old connections with fresh new ones. Just waiting on a period clock blank to arrive to replace the non functional retro gauge that was there since we got the bus and the dash can go back together.
As a few of you may have seen on the other thread I started I will soon be fitting an uprated headlamp loom - check me out with my wiring shizzle! If they still work after I have been monkeying around anyone will be able to do it! Will keep you peeps posted.
Finally after much debate I decided to go for a new exhaust - so kindly VintageDan did the business and sent me a shiny new one which arrived today. After some headscratching (apologies for the random email Dan) it all went together very nicely and all without removing the bumper or hefty towbar. So now have a bit more bling on the bus!
Back to work next week so will have to limit my fettling to evenings and weekends rather than spending all day getting oily!
Here are the pics!!
Refurbed top locker in place - colour match is pretty good if I say so myself (now its totally dry)
Dash with the old non functioning gauge
Bloody heater levers - they are horrendous to disconnect
44yr old plastic clips to remove so the heater levers can be disconnected - not sure if I can get away without refitting them! If there are alternatives let me know!
All removed
Rats nest of wiring - thankfully only a couple of dodgy connections
Me sitting carefully balancing it on my knee
Work in progress!
Marking up the access panel to get at the fuel sender
Bit of dremmel action later
There he is hiding away
Old vs new
Didnt take any pics of the panel beating or securing as was a little absorbed - its screwed in place with self tappers and has a gasket sealant to keep it airtight! Then reapplied some sound deadening sheet to keep the load bed uniform.
Some exhaust pics now - old one in place
Wasnt in bad condition just surface rust however the tailpipe got on my tits so out with the old and in with the new
Loads of clearance for the VS
Old one gone and in storage now - just in case!
Cheeky parcel arrived this morning
Ooof shiny 8)
Quality welds - cant fault their build quality
Exhaust less!
I was tempted to start the bus up with nothing attached but thought better of it!
I cleaned up what I could and used copper grease where I though I should!
I started attaching the shiny parts
Still loads of space between the towbar and the exhaust
Everything loosely connected
Loving the tail pipe now
Fresh air pipes connected
All back together and sounding swwwweeeeettttt - nice knowing I will never have to buy another exhaust
Headlamp loom and a fresh curtain track to come! Exciting stuff!