It all looks to be a bit of a mess really, a fight to see who can throw their rattle the furthest from the pram.
From what I can see, Simon Holloway has ran the show on behalf of the VWT2OC since the year dot, and it is Simon, under the guise of Vanfest Ltd, who has the skills and connections to do that. The VWT2OC own the name though, so its a battle for the name.
Being pragmatic, I suspect that there is more likelihood of the show being successfully staged by Simon under a different name, than by the VWT2OC under the current name.
What a shame...I am new to the scene, and visited Vanfest for the first (and only :shock: ) time in 2011, and loved it despite getting absolutely soaked on the Saturday evening. And the cost of the bands is nowt...a fiver to see Slade is pretty good value in my book.
Some heads need banging together I reckon.