vintage sign write my bus?!? should I or shouldnt I?!?

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Reaction score
'the shire'
well unfortunetly for me I was made redundant last friday... but lets not dwell on that....
one of my options is that I think I am going to bite the bullet and after working as a photographer full time for a company for 12 years I think I am going to go it alone and go freelance full time!

now that I genuinely have a business to advertise should i do it and have the business vintage signwritten on the side of my bus?!?

:?: :mrgreen:
sorry to here your shit news, and good to hear you have a silver lining, (dont we see your work in camper and bus)

Cant you get the sign writing done vintage style in vinyl as a tester, that way if you dont like it wont have to go the full repaint route.

No better way to advertise your wares than on the side of a bus everyone stares at anyways :D

Go for it if you are using the bus a lot then its free publicity, I'd go for vinyl first to see how it goes then if it takes off get it 'done properly'
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Good luck! :D
Gotta be done !! I think sign written buses look handsome.

Are you talking vintage lettering or 'faded' signwriting ? Either way, on an early bay, people will notice !

I have always fancied a logo and sign writing on my doors and often wondered if new sign writing could
be sanded or treated to give it an aged appearance. Let us know what you go for.

Sorry to hear the bad news and good luck for the future
Try and get it hand written Jon then age it. Recon it will look great!

Good luck fella

Will look good on your Bus Jon, thinking red colour to off set the green. Can see it now "Pratts Photography" in a Super Dry kinda script.
Sorry to here about the job fella, im sure youll make enough beans as a freelance. Give me a bell sometime.
cost my bro, £100 for cab doors and rear drop gate, all done free hand, amazing to watch.
cheers ladies and gents... youre selling it to me for sure!!!!

thinking of aged signwriting and will be doing it myself as I have the skills.... hopefully!!! :?

doubt i will be going with me own surname though john.... :lol: want people to take notice but not laugh!!! :mrgreen:

reckon i will knock up a few styles and see what you all think....
If you are advertising your business I wouldn't go with faded aged writing, you want people to be able to read at a distance and actually take notice of it.

What about getting some lettering done for the rear screen/side windows?

i wouldnt be massively faded... but roughed up a bit....
south coast kustoms stylee....

but im liking the rear window idea.... ive always liked german folks bugs and resto wagen rides where logos are painted onto the rear window....
sparkywig said:
Vinyl cut would be easier on the windows imo.

I agree no lasting damage and go for it what I have seen if your pics are very very good ..good luck ;)
Go for it jon, will look good on your bus.

Anyone know where to get those rear window stickers from (full size like the German Folks etc)
okay thanks for all the comments ladies and gents!

so i have knocked together a quick design (rough job so pay no attention to the unfinished bits!) and juts thought i would get some more of your lovely comments!!!!

okay so its a bit of a type 2 detectives rip off.. but they signwriting does get noticed...
just struggling a little with the text placing etc.....


or a slightly different version...


or do you think it should say photographic instead


wadda ya'll reckon?!? just straight 'photographic' or 'photography services' or 'photographic sevices'
or perhaps something different like 'imaging services' ?!?

or just scrap the whole thing?!? :lol:

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