Well, that was a bit of an experience!

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Oct 26, 2010
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Year of Your Van(s)
Van Type
As some of you might already know: I was diagnosed with some heart problems around 6 months ago.

It's not been fun, to say the least. I've not been allowed to drive, had to avoid any heavy lifting, avoid exertion including my sporting passions of football and skateboarding. Even Lily, my bus, has been neglected more than ever because of this.

But yesterday I went in for some surgery and have been released back home to rest up. I wrote about some of the experience on my blog: Hi Honey, I'm home!.

I'm not fully out of the woods yet, but in a weeks time I should be able to go back to a pretty normal life again. Chuffed is an understatement :D
I may not know you personally, George, but I am chuffed for you, mate.

It will soon be summer when you can get behind the wheel of your bus again. Happy days ahead. :D
Glad your on the way to getting better George ;) we met at vanwest last year
hope to see you this year you never know you might have your bus there 8)

cheers shaun
Delilahtoo said:
I may not know you personally, George, but I am chuffed for you, mate.

It will soon be summer when you can get behind the wheel of your bus again. Happy days ahead. :D
Got to fit a steering wheel and a whole lot else yet, but I can't wait! Thank you for the kind words :)

sparkywig said:
Hello George, glad to hear it all went OK.
Fit and well for some cider at VanWest?

No excuse not to get on with your van now then. ;)
I have every intention of getting myself down for some cider at VanWest again! Although that batch you picked me up last time was rough as. Might have to wuss out and get something store bought :p

Valentine Won said:
Glad your on the way to getting better George ;) we met at vanwest last year
hope to see you this year you never know you might have your bus there 8)

cheers shaun
Hey Shaun, it was at Bristol Volksfest, wasn't it? My bus made that show two years ago, so fingers crossed she'll be taking me back again in the summer.

Thank you all for the support :)
Good news in deed mate. The next thing you know,,,,, you might even be allowed to eat proper food at the barbies with us :lol: ;) :lol: If not,,, we can always sort some of them Stellllerrrrrrss out, you know where tgey are mate :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Now don`t spoil it and tell me it`s by choice :lol: :roll: :lol:
So pleased your on the right track George. Take it easy and enjoy the relaxing :)
Thanks everyone :)

Walking a lot less like John Wayne with every passing day! Doctors said I will be back driving in a few more days - I can't wait. Fed up of how cold the walk to and from the train to the office is! :roll:

I guess the bad news is that I'm not fully out of the woods yet - but I do get to have most of the things I love back. So, new year, "fixed" ticker, no excuses. Lily will be MOT'd this year!
nice to hear you are on the mend dude. I have complete heart block controlled by a pacemaker apart from not being able to play contact sports It doesn't affect my life at all.

Hopefully you will be back to normal in no time at all :)

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