What did you fix on your Bus recently?

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DongKG said:
These are some of the pictures of the interior with the installed curtains.
The appeal is really 70's!




8) love ya interior 8)
I fitted the bumper back on the van now it is back from paint:


I started on the interior too:



It will all need a real good clean when it's done. I will buy new cab mats from Slough this week end...
Took out engine for first time and cleaned all the engine bay up with gunk. Now awaiting new 2110 engine from the states. Really chuffed with myself. If I can do it anybody can!
meowdmucker said:
Took out engine for first time and cleaned all the engine bay up with gunk. Now awaiting new 2110 engine from the states. Really chuffed with myself. If I can do it anybody can!

Top work fella, ive not done my 1st engine-out yet, but im sure it will come :lol:

Thanks a lot. Give it a go it will put a huge smile on your face when the engine is sat on your garage floor!
I've nearly finished an alternator conversion with the engine in-situ! 8)
Need to tidy things up tomorrow then it becomes the daily :lol: :D :lol:
Mine was treated to a wash and wax then put in the Protec shelter with its Jk cover over the top ready for the winter :roll:

I changed a spark plugs and the high tension wires. The engine now runs better!
This week.... I found my bay had broken a valve less than 4000 miles after an engine rebuild :(



One new valve later, and it was ready to go again. Sadly, it's taken me 5 days to get the parts and to sort everything out to a standard I'm happy with.

Engine out...


In bits...


And back in...



I also took the opportunity to swap my repro heat exchanger innards heat exchanger for a genuine section...

Repro Vs Genuine...


And then I heatwrapped the heat exchangers to keep it even warmer! apparently this makes a big difference - I'm now getting warm air within 5 minutes but have only driven about 5 miles since getting the engine running again. Certainly not as chilly as before :)


Finally, I sorted my fuel gauge problems and fitted some coloured heater knobs (thanks Saraj)


:D What a productive week, shame I originally took the week off to weld up my bug :( Won't be able to do that until Christmas now...
took the sliding door off the taxi fitted new nylon sliding thingie and a bottom roller, regreased the lot and put it back on again...not easy
Replaiced the inlet manifold rubbers yesterday A BIG THANKS TO MATT AKA LOXY for his instructions on how to do it. Job was'nt a bad as i thought it would be. Supprising how such a small thing makes a big difference to the engine.
Got the stock 1600 out, put the 1915 back in, new front & rear brakes, new direction, now it's a driver! MOT today...
bigbulli said:
DongKG said:

Thats an M156: heavy-duty oil bath air cleaner. used in dry / sandy /dusty enviroments, worth a few quid to the split bus chaps :wink:

Yeah, I know!

I'll replace it with a correct-period air cleaner soon.


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