what is IRS and benefits???

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
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I dont really understand gear ratios.. I think the lower the ratio - the more power you have but the less top end or something???

What is IRS and the benefits? If anyone can tell me in simple terms that would be ideal! ;)

I've seen busses which say eg: 4th gear .68 or something - so basically the ratio of a gear is how..... actually i dont know! :oops: ... who does? :D
I may be wrong but i thought IRS was Independant Rear Suspesion , ?? Not to do with gearing as such :?

Note all bays run IRS
i wouldnt worry too much about ratios they can be confusing. If your having a box rebuilt and upgraded just let the builder know what you want/like, good motorway crusing speeds or whatever. If your going for a replacement for example a 2L "six rib box" then effectively its geared for a more powerful engine and will have a taller 4th for better crusing speeds so your engine won't be screaming along at 70 miles per hour unlike the standard 1600 gearbox.

There are other options like the beetle GT box, coded AT or AS, but you need a hanger kit as they are shorter and also different driveshafts etc. they will also give you better motor way crusing speeds. Some people talk about changing the nose cone on a t25 from side to front selector, for someone not mechanically minded this is pretty difficult and would peobably be easy just to have your 1600 box rebuilt with taller gearing from somewhere like Bears or Cogbox. There are places like Rancho Transaxles who build the boxes from scratch so you get a brand new for roughly the same pirce as it would cost you to have a box rebuilt here in the UK. I know you are looking at US options and this might be one for you but your looking at not getting much change from $700, but when you consider a rebuild in the UK is more.

http://www.ranchotransaxles.com/vw-transaxles.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
i was looking at those transaxles that Rancho do -

there's the green one! - '68 - 70 002 IRS Bus Trans at $699.00 with a two year unlimited mileage warranty for stock applications -
would i then be asking them to give me a higher 3rd and 4th gear?
or has that already been done!?

I also saw this on thesamba : on route from bus - port.
http://www.thesamba.com/vw/classifieds/detail.php?id=988715" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
but probably cant afford it!

I would like to get a rancho trans - ratio's i dont know about... all i know is i want to cruize allong the motorway faster than i am now!- is the green trans going to make me smile?!
thats a vanagon box or T25, earlybay,s bigger younger brother :D . notice the position of the side selector.

With rancho you may need to get the 091 version for taller gearing? i think thats the 2L code but im not sure so its $799. I know eric (woodslat) norcal relics had several good 2L boxes for less than $500 it would be a straight fit and im sure he could deliver from his place as he does the trip a couple of times a month into LA and the area.

PM 'Woodslat' and see what hes got. Erics a good guy and wont short change you. he supplies parts to alot of the shops here in the UK you could try his website i think its http://www.norcalrelics.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ? for his phone number.

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