Won't be doing a run this year, will need some traction aids and a built box first. My mate who built the engine reckons it's got a 15 sec pass in it though
Love my bus, love the stance and love the motor. I'm a happy chappy took Grazy out in it last night too, he seemed to enjoy it...
Won't be doing a run this year, will need some traction aids and a built box first. My mate who built the engine reckons it's got a 15 sec pass in it though
Love my bus, love the stance and love the motor. I'm a happy chappy took Grazy out in it last night too, he seemed to enjoy it...
Me and Grazy took a ride up to Graham L's show Saturday morning, was good to see the Burly Gays again 8) shame we caught down pours both ways, oh well.