Ok so nearly cleaned up one of the jalousie windows.
A tip from the guy on the Samba, put tape on the windows so you remember to get them back in the same way round they came out.
Took the outer seal off first
Then took the top piece of frame out. Screws were stuck, so I used a penetrating oil but no luck. So I heated them with a kitchen blowtorch and then applied ice. Screws came out easy after that
Then took off one of the three windows, two screws each side. Getting the wrong screw here could go straight into the glass. So I bagged and tagged the screws.
Little wood screws in the top and bottom of each window. A couple were missing, when I put this window back together I found a new one and it went in fine.
Old seals were really brittle. Sanded each piece of frame with wet and dry, started with 1500grit then 2500grit and then 5000grit
Then poilshed with my Dremel
Got this polishing kit on ebay, they come in two sizes 2.3mm and 3mm, this was the 2.3mm one:
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/400085865805?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Set the Dremel to low speed and get the brown compound on the felt wheel first, polish the metal.
Next polished each piece with Auto Glym metal polish
When the window was cleaned, I carefully scraped the crud off with a sharp blade. I put on the new seal, found it better to just cut the corner slightly when the seal was all round the window. Cutting the seal too far meant it went baggy round the corner. Used lots of window cleaner to get the seal completely into the metal pieces when they went back on.