right an update. seems to be taking forever

managing about an hour every couple of weeks at the minute but cant complain because the comapny is busy which is good in time like these!
Started last friday morning by getting a couple of coats of black on the inner panel then got cracking on Monday morning cleaning up the front panel ready for welding, stuck some weld through primer on the bits ill be geldin up or repairing later
and then a coat of primer on the whole panel once id cleaned up the paint.
then it was time to tack the bugger up
measured everything about 50 times and the door gaps are spot on measured against our un-messed with 72 dormobile (which is nice :mrgreen: )
the only part thats out is the air box due to the bump on the front its abit bont in places meaning it doesnt sit quite exact, decided the best course of action was to fit the panel and then get the airbox to fit so it was all exact.
got the door on for the final measurment of the passenger side, hopefully get the drivers side monday so this is how she looks now.
hopefully have more updates soon :roll: :lol: