Well that's the case, crank and heads dropped with Jim at Stateside. He's a very busy chap but still gave me an hour of his time to explain all the requirements and options on offer for my upgrade. I found him knowledgable and patient, even with me limited experience!!
The first thing he pointed out was my case had been a genuine vw recon, this was identifiable by the small vw stamp located next to the AD engine code below the dyno stand, they also stamped a PU after the numbers and did this through the 70's and 80's. He said the case was a good one but unfortunately due to a 0.04mm wear to the rear thrust bearing opening it required line boring. A shame but doesn't effect the integrity of the case, but will improve its performance and future reliability. It will also mean bigger bearings.
The crank is all good, it had a regrind with the recon as Alex suggested earlier to 0.25mm so only needs a polish. He can't be sure until its stripped but remains optimistic for polish only. Whilst on the crank subject he did stress the quality of a genuine vw crank, the work Chinese crap factored into the conversation a lot today but more here than anywhere else! Stick with genuine vw here for quality it seems?
Something he did stress was to machine the rods and rebush for the grudge on pins. This is an absolute must by all accounts otherwise you get uneven wear on the case, crank and pistons and it will rapidly effect the longevity of the engine. I'd overlooked this but it's actually very important!
Barrels and Pistons were discussed and whether to go 94 or 90.5mm. Firstly quality; repro = Chinese and IF you can afford the extra go for mahle but..... Interestingly he informed me mahle have now moved manufacturing to china and standards have slipped. He has experienced rapid bearing wear on engines due to crap pistons so beware. He didn't however put any pressure on me whatsoever to go with repro or expensive B&Ps, he said its up to me but one just won't last as long as the other, that's it. For £100 in the scheme of things I think I'll invest in the better quality ones.
We discussed at length whether to go for the 90.5 or 94mm, basically it's up to you as the customer but what seems right for me is the 90.5mm. He suggested although not an absolute necessity, to do 94mm properly you really need to start adding better cooling to the engine because inevitably the bigger you go the more coolings required. I figured for what I want, extra torque and a wee but more umph, not of course wanting to start going crazy and no massive budget, 1776 is good for me. I know some of you will be thinking your crazy you have the option to go bigger for no extra cost but it's what's right for me. 1776 is tried and tested and will offer me solidarity and fewer 'extras' required.
Heads are good too, obviously they'll require machining for the pistons but we checked the valve guides too which had a very small amount of play so they'll get replaced. Next discussion was stainless valves, interestingly for whatever reason you can't get the stock S/S valves off the shelf so you have to machine the valve seats to get them to fit! My next question was how much difference are the S/S valves going to make to my mild 1776 build. Answer - not a lot. Hence why I'm sticking standard valves. Updated springs to suit the cam and that's the heads done. Should I port and polish? His option was not to bother on the engine I'm looking for, the gains would be minimal for the outlay. He did say try it without and if you feel like you want a bit more then it's perhaps something for a future upgrade. One for me to ponder I think.
Are you bored yet?
My last question was short block assembly at home. My concerns were me having all this work done to get it nice and reconditioned and then I bolt it back together at home without all the proper machinery and get something wrong. I explained how I wanted to do as much as I could myself for experience. He said yes of course I can do it myself but to just take my time and check the deck height!
The thing I did take away was he's a busy guy, says it like it is and wasn't after my money. He was encouraging me to do as much myself as I could as he didn't need the work! Knowledgable chap with much to offer I found.
Think that's it for now.. I'm off to start painting my engine tin, I was thinking pink, what do you reckon?! :lol: