Bird Rebuilds 1776! Job done, thanks for the help folks!!

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Merlydog said:
Has anyone reading this thread got a pair of og cylinder head tins pleeeeeease.. I really don't want to fit aftermarket ones if I can help it. Are they really so hard to come by, I've been struggling to find a useable pair?
I think there's a guy on TLB that has a massive stash of tinware.
I believe his username is monkey harris




Well my final piece of og tinware arrived this morning from the states! Assembly begins on Friday guys :mrgreen:

Out of interest is there anyway of telling if your oil cooler is shot? It all looks ok but it's not something I want to have to change if it needs it once its all back in :shock: Wasn't leaking when I disassembled it and is rust free..

Also the Brazilian aftermarket heads I had planned on using weren't suited well to a 1776 due to them having to smaller valves.. Luckily John had a pair of matching genuine 1600 heads in his machine shop stash so they got the bore treatment and we're ready to bolt it all together :mrgreen:

or get a type4 one and do the tinwear mod as its a 1/3rd? bigger .
I'm not sure I've got the tinware mod in me Dave, what with Hoover bits and flaps! :lol:

Having researched oil coolers I found that apparently the oil cooler collects tiny bits of crud and metal in its vanes over the years, all of which can dislodge and cause the obvious damage internally over time. By all accounts regardless how many times you try and swill, clean and soak it its just not possible to do it completely. So... New oil cooler it is and machine 7 sees the colour of my money on this one at nearly £10 cheaper than anywhere else!

Flaps and doghouse tin fitted. I've no idea if your supposed to it not but I made extra sure as little air as possible escapes anywhere other than into the cooler by using black sealant around the tinware components.


Should I fit an external cooler or is that over kill?

New oil cooler purchased as advised.

I have a confession.. I'm sorry boys but the long block has been assembled by a pro, John Walklett.. My intensions were to assemble it with his supervision but dates and work commitments just kept clashing. My bus is getting wet sitting on my drive on a pair of axel stands and the weathers getting worse, so I told him just to crack on!
I did strip two engines & will be assembling the rest of it though :oops: I know but I got fed up of looking at my empty engine bay!

Compression ratio is 7:8
I would have gone for 9-1 and polish combustion chamber as this stops overheating.look on cal -look lounge lots of infoand some cool rides 8)
Regarding the external oil cooler. I had the same question, as some say yes and some no!?

I've just had a similar engine to yours delivered by Laurie Pettitt and he said go for a small external cooler as well to be safe. Laurie's word is good enough for me, especially in the absense of an oil temp gauge.

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