Can't believe how long its been since updating this thread, shame on me!
Anyway, didn't get to the old girl a lot through the summer but I have been making progress. Thanks to a dodgy camera I think I've missed taking lots of pics but at least I've got enough to show progress.
I pained the entire underside in epoxy encapsulating paint after the blasting.
Then sealed all the joints with Tigerseal. I wanted to put the 3 chassis pans back so started to insulate the heater pipe before its covered up again.
Then cable tied the insulation up after a squirt of dynawax,
Now I've started to apply stonechip to protect everything
And this weekend I was getting the belly pans to fit, the centre one is a terrible fit, but its been sliced and rewelded to fit now
Also I had a go at repairing the hard to find rear tin that crossers with 1600's have, it doesn't look pretty but I've managed to keep the right dimensions and shape. I need to blast it and clean it up more now.
I've also been cleaning up the cab floor and seats and giving them a quick lick of primer for protection
I really need to get an old camera, my phone doesn't take good pics. more pics to follow in a week or so as this weekend I fitted rivnuts for one of the side chassis pans and started to paint the center bellypan prior to welding it on.
I've also almost finished the stone chip on the entire underneath, its really helping with motivation to see some fresh paint and things looking nice again. I'm 3 years into this now, 4 if I include when I first started on the cab doors! I really miss my bus