I noticed a couple of days after I had fitted the new insulation that some small areas of the insulation were not stuck properly.
I didn't feel 100% confident that the spray adhesive I used on the insulation would hold and thought that if it
came unstuck in places it could create condensation underneath and cause hidden rust problems.
So , after a fight with my conscience, I decided to remove the newly installed insulation I put in a couple of
weeks ago, and splashed out on some purpose made sound deadening pads for peace of mind ... :roll:
It wasn't as bad a job as I thought.
I just cut through the centre of the insulation and carefully removed it and stuck the new pads in place ....
Then re-glued the closed cell foam on top of the new sound deadening panels..
Well pleased with the final result. Did the ' bang on the roof ' test and it sounds 100% better.
It's definately lost that empty 'tinny' sound - it sounds more like you're knocking on an oak door
Should now sound a lot quieter when driving and stay a lot warmer when camping......
Started work on the engine...
Stripped the ancillaries and tin ware....
Ready for some investigative work....
Spent a bit of time stripping the tin ware and is now in 2 pack primer waiting for the frost to go.
Once the weather breaks I will spray the tinware in 2 pack Satin Black.
But for now .....
Gearbox in the process of being de-greased and cleaned....
And etch primed.....
Major 'open wallet surgery' due very soon !
Need to order adjustable spring plates, dropped spindles, adjustable track rods, trailing arms ,
ball joints, coil overs etc for the suspension .
Also need to order a complete set of window rubbers and seals from Status VW and have sent my old wiring loom
to 'Rocket' Ron at VW Endangered Species for him to use as a copy to make me a new one .
Guess it's 'Happy Shopper' value foods and staying in for a few months :lol: