My 72 Danbury

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Thanks for the comments.

Now with the nearside engine bay chassis leg top all repaired and in primer, I've started the same repair on the offside.

This side was a little worse and so I've had to cut more of the top cover part back, however once removed and all the loose/surface rust cleaned off it was only a similar size area as the nearside that needed cutting out of the chassis leg. The battery tray and rear corner will also need replacing but I've left them in for now as a reference for when I put in the new top cover part/patch once the chassis is repaired:


You'll see in the above picture that the side panel part to the front right of the engine bay was also a little rusty and damaged - this was my fault as a few years back I poorly removed the original stand for the air-filter for room for the twin carbs. As the engine was in at the time, rather than neatly drill out the spot welds I kind of just pulled the stand off taking some of the metal and paint with it, which left a rather messy looking panel. So whilst in this area I decided to replace this part too with a panel I cut to size and shaped:



Once the chassis top repairs are complete I'll pop a light skim of filler over this area and hopefully it will look like I never touched it?

Other than the above repairs I've had a bit of a dilemma this week - whilst taking a good look at the rear corners and checking to see if these need repair or replacing - I've discovered that both have been replaced before, this would explain why they did not appear to be too rusty - however after closer inspection I can see that they have been replaced so poorly that they are buried under some deep filler and already showing signs of corrosion again - as such I'm definitely gonna have to replace the offside one, if not both, again?
But that's not the worst of it - I've also discovered that now with the fuel tank removed and taking a good look at the inside of the offside rear quarter panel, I can see that the prior repaired accident damage down that side (which I already knew was there but appeared minor from the outside) was in fact pretty damn serious and worst still, had not really been repaired at all but instead it would seem has simply been left beaten in with a sheet of metal then spot-welded over the damage from the outside and fillered over!!! Why? :evil:
So it looks like to do this properly I am gonna have to dig it all out and take a much closer look - maybe, just maybe it will be repairable without the need to replace the complete offside rear quarter panel, however at the moment I suspect not. So preparing myself for the worst and the possible need to replace the complete offside rear quarter panel and possibly the middle side panel too... I started researching the parts and I've discovered that the only panels available are for LHD vans and as such will need modifying to fit my RHD van? Also, as the new panels are for later vans the fuel filler is all wrong so I would need to work out some solution for that too?
Either way, its gonna be lots of work which means lots more time, money and effort!
Will I ever get to drive my van again I'm starting to wonder? :roll:

If anyone on here reading this has faced this same or similar dilemma and already replaced the offside quarter and middle side panels before - please reply or PM me as I've plenty of questions as to how to go about it?
Slow progress since the last update as I trapped a nerve in my neck and had to spend a few days on my back..... agony!

Anyhow, feeling more like my old self again I ventured over the barn tonight and welded up the o/s rear chassis leg top in the engine bay:



Hope to get over the barn a few more nights this week and get the top cover part put back in.
Tiny progress update but welded in and ground back the new top cover part above the repaired o/s chassis leg in the engine bay:

spot on mate. i have a few holes in the same spots on my van that i will be takling soon. i was going to do a quick job on them, but seeing the standard that you are working to it makes me want mine to look as good. how many more jobs do you have till you hang up the welding helmet
how many more jobs do you have till you hang up the welding helmet

Unfortunately I still have quite a bit to do so won't be hanging up that welding helmet just yet :roll:

Still need to:

Repair Fuel tank strap support areas
Rear Cargo floor where it surrounds the rear heater inlets
O/S rear corner
O/S rear battery tray
Complete O/S rear quarter and middle panels (due to hidden accident damage!)

.... and possibly:
N/S rear arch and corner?

Also need to decide whether to repair my front cab doors or buy either brand new or used rust free replacements?
the guys at schofields made me a complete repro floor for the cab area in two sections (as the only new ones are late bay). for £140. ive not fitted it yet but it look galv and seems like a bit of trimming and it will be in. i'll probably levae a four in strip of old floor down the middle and fit the two new sides.
one question - how the HELL have i missed this awesome thread????

some real good work here and yet another resto project that will inevitably give the earlybay scene a good name. its really good to see more and more people doing some thorough work and not just patch up and plod on.

keep it up mate, you've got another fan who will be paying close attention to you thread

Thought I check out your ride. Is about the same stance.

Impressive quality of work your doing.

When is it going to be ready?
not seen an update from you recently mate. hope or resto's still ticking over nicely. ive set a target for mine to reach the road for stanford 2010 but id have thought yours will be back in action for next year.
Just read your thread. Absolutly brilliant :)
Hi All,

Thanks for the comments....... and resurrecting my thread!

I am still here, plodding away with the work as and when I can.... did take a few weeks out for a holiday and also Vanfest but back on it now.

I've been repairing the fuel tank area/shelf recently and should have that completed by this weekend. I've also been assembling some parts over the past few weeks and have managed to accumulate a pair of cab doors, a rear corner, battery tray and rear arch.

Next repair I want to get done will be the rear bulk head above the heater inlet, then wire brush and por 15 the rear-centre underside.

Current ambition is to get the van ready for paint by spring 2009 and back on the road for the summer.... therefore fingers crossed I don't find too much more rust/damage and also that the winter is not too harsh/bitter as it gets pretty cold in the barn and my stamina/thermal underwear can only last so long, thus reducing the amount of hours I can spend working!!!

I'll take some photos of progress this weekend and pop up an update shortly.

Cheers! :D
As mentioned, a few update pictures of the repairs to the fuel tank area/shelf:

The shelf had rotted out real bad on the right and a little on the left, in both cases it is where water/moisture gets trapped between the strengthening plate beneath the shelf and he shelf itself - on the left you can see said strengthening plate which I have removed from beneath and put inside for you to see what I'm talking about - on the right side there was nothing left of it to show:


Repaired Left:



Repaired Right:



The strengthening plates are not available as a replacement part (that I am aware of) so I made my own and plug welded these to the underside of the repaired shelf replicating the original number of spot welds, the only difference being that I drilled two holes at the front of each to allow me to bolt the fuel tank straps back in (rather than welding) as this will ensure that the strap is securely attached to both the shelf and the plate. I also made sure to fully seam seal the plates after to ensure they don't rot out again in the future:

Next I moved onto repairing the rear bulk head by the heater inlet, amusingly in the next picture you can see what I intended to mark and cut out:

... and then the much larger piece I eventually had to cut out to get back to decent metal:

Finished up the day fabricating the new pieces to weld back in, and hope to get those in later this week!
Cheers Guys.

It doesn't look much but is quite a difficult area to repair purely for the fact that access is limited - to say that my knees and back are aching would be an understatement? Crouching in the engine bay leaning into the Fuel tank area for the past few days has not been pleasant.

Update time again.....

Filled in that hole I cut out in the rear bulk head around the nearside heater inlet:

Then proceeded with the same repair to the offside:



Next I started the nasty job of scrapping off all the under-seal from the rear chassis and area below the fuel tank etc in ready for some POR 15.... however I discovered yet more rust needing repair....

Both sides rear bump-stop support brackets had collected a load of dirt between it and the chassis rail which when I dug it all out revealed some rather suspect looking metal...

Starting with the nearside I cut the main part of the bracket off and then with a hefty tug the remains just pulled off the chassis rail to reveal:

Started prepping the area for repair but only got as far as:

Does anyone know if any of the suppliers makes a replacement support bracket for the bump-stop? I've search all the usual suspects catalogues and web-shops etc but no joy? Looks like I may have to fabricate something otherwise?
make your own out of nice thick steel. keep it simple so its not a rust trap then it shouldnt be an issue ever again :D
good to see you van moving forward again
Camperdan said:
Does anyone know if any of the suppliers makes a replacement support bracket for the bump-stop? I've search all the usual suspects catalogues and web-shops etc but no joy? Looks like I may have to fabricate something otherwise?

mine isnt even attached to the bump stop arm so will be needing to replace this too. not too sure whether it is meant to be fixed to the bump stop arm????

some good work there mate, keep it up and i'll be watching this one to see how you attach the bump stop bracket issues.

Haveacamper said:
mine isnt even attached to the bump stop arm so will be needing to replace this too. not too sure whether it is meant to be fixed to the bump stop arm????

Hi Haveacamper - It's definitely meant to be fixed to the bump stop arm - mine both are/were. In the one pictured I had already cut off the part attached to the arm and ground the top of the arm back ready for attachment of a new bracket.... once I've repaired the chassis rail and made one that is?
