Photo shop help.

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Jan 24, 2010
Reaction score
East Brizzal
Hi gang, anyone know how to work that photoshop thingy for me ? I got a picture here of what the lounge is looking like with the new telly and unit and shelves arrangement. What I`d like to do is froggy tape down both sides to mask it off then paint the middle of it with an oatmeal / light fawn colour from possibly the underside of the top shelf to the top of the skirting board to create a slightly shadowed effect to tie the shelves together visually and visually imply that this is a unit or piece of furniture. Now Mrs Ozziedog is doing the ` Oh I just don`t know ` routine and `Oh I just can`t see it ` and `What if it`s terrible ` etc etc etc. Now in bewitched, what happens is, the gorgeous looking little witch just wrinkles her nose a little bit (cute as) then it just appears in the new colour scheme. Now in my house,, My little witch (also cute as) has got her knickers very very firmly in a twist. So the long and short of it is,, can anyone photoshop that pic below and shade in the said areas :p

Possibly a bit like this, in the adjoining room .

Many thanks in advance for any help 8)
Or any groovy ideas gratefully received :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Or I could go up the pub !! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quick two minute job, but it looks like a potential home decor disaster if your decorating skills are as good as your camera skills. :lol:

Silver said:
Ask Oscar over on The late side, he's a whizz with Photoshop.
Tis I. ;)

Sent from my iPhone using no brain cells whatsoever.
Mrs Ozziedog has cancelled all further works and proceedings whilst she consults other members of her coven over the festive period. Apparently the large size Santa`s hat fits nicely over their regular black pointy hats :shock: So beware of wiches masquerading as ladies this Christmas , and if you bump into one,,,,,,,,, good luck to you :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,, If she sees this ,,, i might get turned back into a frog :lol: ;) :mrgreen: ;) :lol:
Well done guys, you two must have smacked them up while I was answering above. Mrs Ozziedog has been to have a look and is now utterly convinced she won`t like it :roll: I may take my life into my hands and have a little pop at it tomorrow whilst she who must be obeyed is out cracking the whip at whatever establishment she is bullying at the moment. My photographic technique is just another string to my bow!! ;) I must admit it`s a little frayed around the edges this particular string, so I see where you are coming from :mrgreen: The second one looks a little more colourfull than I`d anticipated and I can`t believe you did that from your phone, or have I lost the plot again?

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Do I or Don`t I :?: ;) :?:
ozziedog said:
Mrs Ozziedog has been to have a look and is now utterly convinced she won`t like it :roll:

She's just not visualising it with the right decor, this will help her....

Mrs Ozziedog here, all you lot had better be scared ..... be very scared .... and if I come home and this is done he will be dead ... you will never hear from him again!!! be warned!!!!!!!!!!!!

If however the bit of the wall where the d*** rubbed the back of his jeans along so managed to get black marks on hasn't been done when I get home from WORK! he will definately be no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bewitched ! :) my daughter was named after the little witch ...Tabitha :)

Why didn't I buy my bus years ago !?

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