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I’d popped the starter motor out, as I was about to do that anyway ready to whip the motor out for something or other and I shoved my boroscope and my endoscope in to have a peep. If I remember correctly there was a lot of oil in there.

Ozziedog,,,,,,and I’m not even old yet :mrgreen:
You can't leave me without the answer - that is just plain cruel..................
No Andy, that was the answer , I popped it in where the starter motor came out !!!
Into the hole the starter goes in, after all the starter has to come out if you’re taking the motor out anyhow !

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, dint mean to leave you hanging bud :mrgreen:
Whoops - your reply was on the other page, I didn't realise you answered on the next page :)

Cheers bud - will get a 'scope and have a look then :)

Took the engine out (again).
Tried to use an endoscope thingy but the flywheel is in the way so no good :(

Took some measurements of the clutch thrust bearing to the end of the bell housing and also the distance from the edge of the flange that mates to the bell housing and the clutch springs.

Then measured the thrust bearing at full travel.
What I have is below:

Edge of the flange on the engine to the clutch springs is 59mm
Thrust bearing in the relaxed position to the bell housing is 66mm
So, in the relaxed position a difference of 7mm.

Thrust bearing in full extension to the bel housing is 50mm
So, it travels 16mm
Remove the distance from the relaxed position of 7mm means it should push the springs around 9mm

Is that enough ??

Thrust bearing in the relaxed position.


Thrust bearing in fully out position.


End on shot of the bearing.


Clutch pics



I can move the clutch lever by hand with the engine out.

What next?
I got a bit of an idea bud. As soon as I can get under the van in the next day or two, I’ll measure exactly how much my bearing arm moves where the cable goes through or exactly how much the cable shortens when the pedal is depressed. I’ve no idea how much in mm is required to make the pressure plate work

Ozziedog,,,,,,,, cable as a starting point :mrgreen:
Cheers Simon, I will have another look in the next few days and double check my measuring!
Have you checked the lever is on the cross bar correctly ?
I have thanks - everything looks to be correct and in the right place.
Will check everything again this week to just double check!!
Hey there, I’ve been having an issue or two with mine, so while I’ve been under the van, I’ve taken these measurements. With my motor in I’ve looked at the operating lever on the out side of the box and it’s stood vertically. I’ve measured from the lever along the length of exposed clutch cable and I got 8 1/4 inches that’s eight and a quarter inches to the end of the outer cable, I then cut a piece of batten 22 1/4 inches and that allows me to depress the clutch fully to the floor and jam this batten under the dash so it’s ‘full de clutch’ for want of a better expression , the measurement along the exposed clutch cable from operating lever to the end of the outer cable (Bowden?) is now7 3/8 that’s seven and three eights of an inch. So total movement is approximately 7/8 ths or seven eight of an inch.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,hope this helps
Hey, I’ve put a straight edge across my bell housing and with the pedal pressed firmly to the floor boards the thrust bearing face is exactly 52mm at the point in the centre where it swivels so making it as squared up as poss. Take the piece of wood off the pedal and pushed the thrust bearring in as far as it would go and it measured 68mm in the same place, indicating that on this bus, from nuffink to full clutching :roll: your thrust bearing moves 16mm or possibly a little less with the press from the pressure plate against it. That don’t seem much so I went down there and double checked my measurements andvthat’s what it is.
So 16mm at the bearing surface, and about 22mm (7/8) movement on release bearing arm. Probs because the arm is half as long again as the arms moving the thrust bearing :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,made me a bit giddy that did :mrgreen:
Thanks - similar to my measurements :)

Checked everything again - took the clutch lever arm and spring out again and all looked good so decided to check the travel of the bearing again.
Is around 5mm short of the end of the tube so I decided to do some measuring again and also tweak the cable as has been suggested :)

I tightened the cable so that now it should make the bearing around 1mm away from the clutch fingers (the arm is now a few degrees off being at 90 degrees to the horizontal).

When the pedal is fully depressed, the bearing is around 1mm away from the end of the tube so will have more push on the fingers.
Just need to get the engine back in now :(
I’ll be down there again later on today. I’ve just thought of one more measurement and that’s a straight edge across the pressure plate and how far it is to the bell housing mating face on the cases. I’ll have a look this evening. :msn4:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,and we call this fun! :mrgreen:
Ok that’s 69mm Oooeerrrr Mrs. But! Mines the earlier type of clutch with the ring on the pressure plate that the release bearing contacts whereas on yours, the release bearing contacts straight onto the fingers of the pressure plate as yours is the later type.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,we’re getting somewheres maybe??? :mrgreen:
Gotya - we are getting there :)

The wing nut is probably around 50 percent down the thread while before it was probably a 3rd:

Have you tried it with a stick / batten under the dash to hold the clutch pedal down to see how much movement you’re getting from pedal up to pedal down in relation to how much the bearing is moving?
Don’t forget, it’s next to impossible to adjust the clutch cable without the engine in and the pressure plate being in contact with the release bearing.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,nearly there I’m thinking :mrgreen:
I did do that and that is how I got all of my figures above.
Hopefully get the engine back in tomorrow and fingers crossed !!
Engine back in yesterday but not everything connected back up.
Pressed the clutch pedal with my fingers and after about 3 inches of travel I can now feel a resistance :)
Will tighten the cable up a bit more the turn the engine over. If the clutch now works I will put everything back.


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