Reezvaan ***HAS RETURNED!!!****

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I get the feeling he doesn't give '2 shits' to the inconvenience he has caused everyone, I wasn't going to say anything has i haven't bought ought off him - but really!
Got a customer who works in the foreign office in Pakistan, any got the Reezvan's info?
Here you go Ben
Hunza said:
His full name is Reezvaan Zaffar and he lives in Multan Pakistan. he works for Shamim and company bottlers of Pepsi Cola.

His employers e-mail is [email protected]. phone number via switch is +92 61 451 5307 You can also try [email protected]

His personal cell number is 0343 711 1110

I have a feeling you will see activity once he realizes that you can contact his employer and create a stink. I hope you get at least your money back.
trowel said:
reezvaan said:
Sorry everyone, I messed up big time, but I am going to make things right and make it upto you all.

Prehaps he is going to reduce his price for everyone. After all he copied my idea why not copy my price as well, that will show how sorry he really feels. :lol:
The stuff you made Lee at the price and service offered is what this forum and the vw scene is best at!
Too many people/companies are out for a quick buck selling crap tat and adding vw scene tax.
aspro said:
Here you go Ben
Hunza said:
His full name is Reezvaan Zaffar and he lives in Multan Pakistan. he works for Shamim and company bottlers of Pepsi Cola.

His employers e-mail is [email protected]. phone number via switch is +92 61 451 5307 You can also try [email protected]

His personal cell number is 0343 711 1110

I have a feeling you will see activity once he realizes that you can contact his employer and create a stink. I hope you get at least your money back.

Thanks, will forward the info, my customer knows the PACVW guys , let's hope he can make some headway
BenSSP said:
aspro said:
Here you go Ben
Hunza said:
His full name is Reezvaan Zaffar and he lives in Multan Pakistan. he works for Shamim and company bottlers of Pepsi Cola.

His employers e-mail is [email protected]. phone number via switch is +92 61 451 5307 You can also try [email protected]

His personal cell number is 0343 711 1110

I have a feeling you will see activity once he realizes that you can contact his employer and create a stink. I hope you get at least your money back.

Thanks, will forward the info, my customer knows the PACVW guys , let's hope he can make some headway

He also uses the alias ray zoain on Facebook too so might be worth saying that name too :msn4:
I think you'll find the PACVWR Facebook page is also run by him as all of his parts are listed in the 'online shop' thats advertised on the page and the images on the site are the same ones Ray Zoain uses, does this person actually exist??

Just posted a comment on there so lets see how long it is before that gets removed by him? (screenshot below together with someone elses post asking where there parts are??)

Graham I think you will find Reezvaan was banned from PACWR a while ago.

His real name is Reezvaan Zaffar. He can be contacted at his office at Pepsi Pakistan. If anyone wants to contact him I suggets calling his employer on +92 61 451 5307.
aspro said:
Graham I think you will find Reezvaan was banned from PACWR a while ago.

His real name is Reezvaan Zaffar. He can be contacted at his office at Pepsi Pakistan. If anyone wants to contact him I suggets calling his employer on +92 61 451 5307.

If thats the case Chris why are all the recent links to an online store in Pakistan on the PACVWR facebook page ( a week ago) listing all of his products :?: :?:
Graham and Aspro

My understanding is that Reezvaan and PACWR are one and the same, that it is for all intents and purposes HIS baby. If so, he is probably still very active on it.

I could be horribly wrong of course :roll:

No doubt the reaction, if any, to your posting on the PACWR Facebook page will give us a good indication of the true position.

At least keeping his profile high on this forum serves as a warning to others not to part with their cash. :msn4:
Graham L said:
aspro said:
Graham I think you will find Reezvaan was banned from PACWR a while ago.

His real name is Reezvaan Zaffar. He can be contacted at his office at Pepsi Pakistan. If anyone wants to contact him I suggets calling his employer on +92 61 451 5307.

If thats the case Chris why are all the recent links to an online store in Pakistan on the PACVWR facebook page ( a week ago) listing all of his products :?: :?:

I stand corrected. He was banned from Pakwheels in Pakistan. My point is simply there is no point everyone faffing about trying to chase him online on car forums and clubs. He has already proven how ellusive he can be online.

If people are serious about talking to him then call his boss and put him in the shit or call his cell phone which is still active.
aspro said:
Graham I think you will find Reezvaan was banned from PACWR a while ago.

His real name is Reezvaan Zaffar. He can be contacted at his office at Pepsi Pakistan. If anyone wants to contact him I suggets calling his employer on +92 61 451 5307.

Reezvaan got banned from Pak Wheels. He wanted to conduct his shady business under the cover of the Volkswagen club of Pakistan. When the VWCOP management did not allow him to operate under the banner he created his own ---PACVWR which is basically Reezvaan.

Time to change the title of this thread again... Reezvaan ***Disappeared again***
Just seen this thread and read through it, wow.

I've bought from Reez before , wrong parts arrived & he was quick to rectify the problem. But after ClyclopsGate I decided I wouldn't buy from him again anyway.

Hope members get refunded or the parts they have paid for
You'll never guess what turned up today.........

I'm really pleased that people are finally receiving the products they have paid, just a shame that once again Reezvaan has left everyone wondering what is going on and where hes disappeared to this time, superb customer service......................NOT

Bobster said:
Ditto, my pulley wrench turned up today too :shock:
I'd be interested to see what thats like in practice as it looks rather flimsy in the pictures
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