rusty old nail to sow's ear

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Ta very much chaps, that makes 3 of us. :D
The missus and daughter aren't so keen, and hinted that they might not want to come in the bus if the wheels are red. What a result, won't have to raise the suspension then. :lol:

"Pink wheels! How gay are you?" was the daughter's response. :lol:
After the recent pic in Camper & Bus I've decided to try and sort the scabby red oxide and primer filler on the roof.




and after a gentle 6 hour session with a scraper first to remove the primer filler, 60 grit for the red oxide and a final go with 600 grit, here's the result....



....I'll have another go at the white tomorrow when my fingertips have had a night to recover. :lol:
Do you not have a DA Sparky? Or are you sparing the neighbours?
I want to see the red wheels on the bus go round and round. :)
The red oxide and primer filler just clogs the DA discs Steve, and I can get a much better feel on the white coat using my fingers.
VW never put much of a topcoat on, and I'm trying not to go through to the primer.
sparkywig said:
VW never put much of a topcoat on, and I'm trying not to go through to the primer.
Why? You're through to the metal in places anyway - I'd just rip it off and start again - you have welds and allsorts up their anyway. No point preserving one bit when the next bit is doomed anyway? :lol: Just asking mate - no critisism intended - I keep quiet about some of the strange, seemingly pointless hours/days I spend on things that will never even be seen so I can't talk - you should see my cargo floor now - can't see a weld ;) Now I'll paint it and screw a piece of plywood to it. :lol: So in hindsight - nice work on the roof wiggers. :oops:
Nick-Rackham said:
The removal of 2mm of filler raised the bus by 1mm so he can drop it another notch :msn4:


going off on a tangent... sparky, hows your rag top? still waiting for mine to go in and just wondering if there are any issues you might have found which could be avoided with some forewarning and a bit of thought. lol
antoine said:
going off on a tangent... sparky, hows your rag top? still waiting for mine to go in and just wondering if there are any issues you might have found which could be avoided with some forewarning and a bit of thought. lol

It's been fine, just the odd drip through the stitching after I gave it a good clean. However, a coat of fabsil cured that. :D
sparkywig said:
antoine said:
going off on a tangent... sparky, hows your rag top? still waiting for mine to go in and just wondering if there are any issues you might have found which could be avoided with some forewarning and a bit of thought. lol

It's been fine, just the odd drip through the stitching after I gave it a good clean. However, a coat of fabsil cured that. :D

awesome, mines brand new, so should be good for a while before i need to re waterproof anything, or reseal any seams.

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