rusty old nail to sow's ear

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Looks better already, just needs a couple of spotwelds.



Although I'd better take the sunroof off first....
Thanks for the lift this morning Just.

Finally got the tyres on the banded steels today.


Managed to pull my finger out and get one of the many jobs on the list sorted.
Drilled out the (very hard) captive bolt on the petrol tank straps, so now they're almost ready to be refitted.

Glad that it was ok, I was just perusing e-May when if spotted it.
Slightly more progress today.
I went down the yard this morning to paint the rear valance.


And while I was there I caught a bit of enthusiasm again. :lol:
So came home and had a good afternoon's grinding and welding. Just one more plate to go and then I can paint and re-assemble what was a perfectly functional bus 5 weeks ago....


Lots of little jobs to do while I get a few minutes to spare.
Fuel filler neck cleaned and primed.
Top coat tomorrow evening, and then I can fit the new filler hose.



As an aside I dropped in to see a mate today, and he's had some T5 wheels banded and bolted to his 5 series estate.


He wouldn't do it again though as the offset means that they fouled the suspension and rear trailing arms, so lots of modification.

Another productive day.
Finished painting the valance down the yard this morning.


Nice Beetle in for some MOT work.


Then home and out with the grinder and welder. Time for a coffee first though.
Fully repaired and new seal channel fitted.





Off-side isn't the prettiest, but it's not comprised of rust and underseal any more.
Now I can start re-assembly tomorrow morning.

Coat of Rustoleum "Rust Reformer" on first, I'll let that cure for 24 hours and then start priming, seam sealing and painting.


As it's persisting down here I'll soldier on and start prepping the firewall.


Two coats of household gloss to remove, one green and the other black. The picture doesn't show the actual brightness of the green gloss.
Apparently at some point in it's history the whole bus was painted in the stuff, wouldn't mind trying to find a pic though, just out of morbid curiosity.



Had enough for today, I'll have another crack at it tomorrow evening.

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