rusty old nail to sow's ear

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I thought about drilling through the seat base on mine theres a little indent, then get a stud welded the the top of the hinge and secure it with a nut
Problem solved, going to tack a threaded stud to the bottom of the seat support and bolt through the seat runner. :)

Another coat of paint on the cab floor and arch ready for the seat to be refitted.

Another coat of paint on the cargo floor and heater vents fitted.

Z bed hinges to be refitted. Next job, engine out for gearbox change and new shift bushes, and then back in with twin 34's. :mrgreen:
Roof and gutter repairs can wait until after OktoberFest.
I know, let's drop the engine out.

Stripped off dynamo, carb and inlet manifold ready for alternator conversion and twin 34's.
Change gearbox over the weekend and replace gearshift bushes at the same time.
Can't wait to start driving the bus about at last. :D
Best part of 5 hours from this....

to this....

Another job I don't want to do again. Broke a 6mm allen wrench trying to loosen the cv joints, had to borrow a few tools from Nick's workshop. :)
Engine lid shut on my back, so that had to come off as well.....
Smashed top of left thumb with 4lb lump hammer breaking tension on cv bolts, quite a lot of blood and swearing at this point. I think the nail will definitely come off some time this week.
Anyway, I hope that the replacement box is OK.

Gearshift linkage bushes next, and then start putting it all back together.
Up to date now.
Another half hour job that taken the best part of 2 hours....

Hmmm, that's probably why the gearshift is a bit dodgy. Do you think the shift rod is supposed to be straight as well.

Need to order some new bellows now and then reconstruction can begin. :)
34's were a pain, quality and fit of manifolds and mounting end plates is poor. Looks good though. :mrgreen:
Forgot to get tee piece for fuel pipe so that will wait 'til after Vanfest.
Will see if I can get gearbox back in before the weekend.
Had a good day today.
Sliding door ready for new glass and rubber, don't get much paint in a rattlecan anymore do you?

Got the z hinges and bench seat in and adjusted at last,

All ready for gearbox to go back in, and a big list for Vanfest tomorrow. :D
Coming together now 8)
Sounds like a lot fun with 30 minute jobs turning into 4 times that - always the way with vehicles :mrgreen:
Hello gninnam.
Tell me about it. I straightened out the shiftrod and then couldn't get the two pieces together as it had been bent to clear the top torsion tube on the lowered beam.....
So out it came again and was rebent. :lol:
Right then, up early this morning to crack on with getting the gearbox and engine back in.

New fuel pipe and filter and got the cut-off solenoid fitted.

Gearbox went straight back in...

...although I had to turn the shiftrod through 180 degrees to get the rear coupler to line up. Whilst doing this I had to give the rod a bit of a push from the front of the bus. It moved quite suddenly after putting a bit of force into it, and my thumb went through the hole in the chassis along with the shiftrod. The hole is just big enough for the rod, so have removed the top of my thumb. :shock:

Couldn't take a pic of the actual damage 'cos the blood was making a bit of a mess. :lol:

Engine next, and got it lined up exactly and on it went....
No it didn't, got the wrong clutch pressure plate fitted. Another cock-up, and waste of a day. I'll have to get the correct one on Monday and try to get the engine in and running Monday night.
OktoberFest is looming rather quickly. :(
Bit of a bugger to adjust the clutch cable, need three hands really, and there's not much room in there, and the bus is lowered.

Hmmm, need to think of something...


rear wheel off for a bit of elbow room and....


Sorted, clutch adjusted, tinware and engine bay rubbers fitted, rear valance on, and off round the block a few times to make sure I've got all the gears.
Windows fitted tomorrow, a quick tune up, and OktoberFest here we come. :D
Good work Si , how come there is never a willing ho about to help me on my van ??

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