Thought I should post a pic to fry everyone's minds, I know it's done mine.
This is a diagram of the entire system in my bus. It's built in layers, all the tiny pictures I re-drew from the VW originals. All the new items I drew from real life. All wiring colours are based on VW wiring colours from the old to the new, thankfully they have kept the same naming conventions and cable colours the same since the days of old. Anything VW (still) don't do, or at least I didn't find I've tried to give a logical denotation. This diagram is actually bigger with a cable length chart, fuse box layout and a few other bits and bobs as well but these are not in this pic. For the tech minded that might want a copy this drawing was created using EazyDraw for the Mac. I also ran a separate Exel document at the same time which lists all components, cables, cable lengths (for ordering) and even costs. I like being thorough :lol:
If anyone wants any help please PM me and I'll try to advise. Please note, I am not a vehicle electrician of any kind, I am however an proper anorak. So far everything on this diagram has worked first time (except for a few dud components) so I'm pretty confident but must state I accept no responsibility for anybody elses work who may copy this. ENJOY.

This is a diagram of the entire system in my bus. It's built in layers, all the tiny pictures I re-drew from the VW originals. All the new items I drew from real life. All wiring colours are based on VW wiring colours from the old to the new, thankfully they have kept the same naming conventions and cable colours the same since the days of old. Anything VW (still) don't do, or at least I didn't find I've tried to give a logical denotation. This diagram is actually bigger with a cable length chart, fuse box layout and a few other bits and bobs as well but these are not in this pic. For the tech minded that might want a copy this drawing was created using EazyDraw for the Mac. I also ran a separate Exel document at the same time which lists all components, cables, cable lengths (for ordering) and even costs. I like being thorough :lol:
If anyone wants any help please PM me and I'll try to advise. Please note, I am not a vehicle electrician of any kind, I am however an proper anorak. So far everything on this diagram has worked first time (except for a few dud components) so I'm pretty confident but must state I accept no responsibility for anybody elses work who may copy this. ENJOY.