Vanfest California Trip Build 69 Patina Deluxe

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2010
Reaction score
California USA
Hello all !
Im planning on shipping over a Bus this year from California to attend Vanfest.
I think it will be a hit with everybody and Im hoping that perhaps one of the viewers might be an interested party for it...the goal will be to sell it after my travels are complete.

Its a 1969 Deluxe model, all original paint, excellent fade, spotless rockers, super solid front floors, even the battery tray looks solid. I picked it up recently and am in the process of cleaning it up, carefully polishing the paintwork, and preparing it for the voyage.

I figured you folks would best guide me in the direction of what to do with it.
I have some pther photos of it posted on Facebook at the fan can see those there, and I will post some photos here as well.

What do you think?

Better photos soon to come!! In this one you can see the left side of the Bus is polished...the right is not (had to give the arm a rest!)
Randy, how does the sunroof mech work? is it all good?

looks really sweet 8)
Lovely looking Patina bus 8) that will sell in a snip! :mrgreen:
my advise [for what it's worth] is don't be greedy.

Vans at vanfest always appear to have a huge markup to me and I normally just walk away shaking my head?! perhaps some do get the window price but I sincerely doubt it.

Price it right and you'll be golden - I'd also if it were me ensure that the mechanicals and the like are top notch so as to allieviate any possible new owner MOT issues .....Maybe even get it MOT'd £50? so the new owner could see what it doesn't comply on [hopefully only lighting!]

Not sure why I'm telling you all this as I have 2 vans to sell myself :cry: one being a US import!
Thanks for the kind words everybody (and sage advice).

It was a Bus I just couldn't pass up when I saw it...just needed some loving hands. When I lifted the front mats, the deal was done. Im not out to set any records price wise, I would just like to see it off to someone who will take it to the next level and have an adventure myself with bringing it over. I agree, pricing it slightly under market is a better bet. The ideal situation for me would be to sell it first thing when I get there (or maybe before) so I can then enjoy the show for the weekend rather than play salesman for the whole event!

That being said...what do you all think fair market would be? Keep in mind that Duty will still have to be paid as I am bringing it over on a temporary import so I can run it with the California plates.

I will show some more details as I clean it up further so you all can really see what I am dealing with... and the big question in my mind is if I should drop it down before the trip or just leave it stock?

Oh, and it is not a sunroof Bus...just a tin top. :)
Quick question on MOT...

Here in California we have no such inspections...we can put plates on almost anything. :D

What are the key inspection areas?

I would like to get everything sorted that I can and I do plan to put some miles on it while I am there...I need it to be all good and I am sure the next owner will want that too.
I'll edit my post when I find the Vosa link..

its braking efficiency and evenness,
rot in major structural areas like chassis and around suspension compenents [unlikely to be an issue!]
play in suspension components - most imports I have seen for eg ALL the front balljoints are shot, ripped rubbers and have play
this also includes the tie rods, and drag link plus steering box
E brake should work and not be too many clicks + even, no leaking wheel cylinders or corroded brake lines
good flexible hoses ie not perished

the lighting is quite different as we need seperate amber flashing at the rear, quite easy to do and again something that we all have to do [mostly ;) ] to get through. There is no emmisions on something that old

it in the main is just if stuff is dangerous - which you wouldn't want to road trip in anyway?

Vosa link" onclick=";return false;

pages one and 2 - it is heavy and there are some 'allowances' as it's older but not many!
dubdubz said:
my advise [for what it's worth] is don't be greedy.

Vans at vanfest always appear to have a huge markup to me and I normally just walk away shaking my head?! perhaps some do get the window price but I sincerely doubt it.

Price it right and you'll be golden

I agree , prices for buses at Vanfest were out of control , but not too many sold , I sold mine the first day by 11am.
On may of last year I also sold the one I used on holiday with my family at Dubs at the Park by 8am , I know I could have asked for more but I was confortable with what I got and somebody got a good deal on a very solid bus.
On the same page completely. I want to give someone a good deal and have everybody walk away smiling!

Thanks very much for the MOT info...I will check the mentioned areas.

There is a bit of rust in the center of the cargo floor...the rest of the floors are excellent.
Is this a possible MOT issue? The rest of the Bus is awesome, so I have no concerns there as far as the structural parts. The tie rod ends look to have been replaced are solid...I will look at the other points and check into it all.
mroldbug said:
There is a bit of rust in the center of the cargo floor...the rest of the floors are excellent.
Is this a possible MOT issue? .
shouldn't think so....

I may be too warm and fuzzy and no where near ruthless enough - which is why I'm not a salesman, but if everyone walks away happy that has got to be a very very good thing imo. Karma,'ll get a good price as the demand is still here. And my point about MOT is it will seem an easier transaction as the future buyer will be eased into it better....I've spent £500 ish on my bus so far getting it ready for MOT and not done yet.

if I didn't have 2 already and no job :cry: I might be asking a tentative how much!

Best of luck btw looks ace.....
So...what is the "right price"?

Ballpark area is what Im after.

Fluffed and buffed with some new bits here and there and running it 5k, 6k, 7k GBP?

Im trying to factor out all the costs at the moment...I know the more I do to it, the more I can get for it (providing that Im not spending money on silly things!)

Input is welcome ;)
I'm sure it's what type of oil debate this one :shock:

but I would say that looking super clean with brakes that work and suspension that is in good order, so a UK owner can do a few wiring mods to get through and MOt and add their 'stamp' it would be upwards of 7K imo.

if the shut lines are good, and the overall wear has been consistent and it's not a battered PO bodged example then 8K is ultimately possible [That's be MOT'd and reg'd though]

I meant and IB can back me up [?] the vanfest vans as a wild generalisation welded RHD UK busses and everyone gets carried away and asks 12k!! Me personally I'd want something quite special for that, special order? super visible low mileage ie not resto'd but nicely 'worn', having said all that we are picky on here and I do know some people that have paid [in my head] way over the odds BUT are very happy [possibly blissfully ignorant ;) ]

You did ask for feedback [which if not helpful I'm happy to remove :D ] go for a stock unmolested well presented example of a deluxe at a reasonable price and you'll have people biting your hands off......
mroldbug said:
So...what is the "right price"?

Ballpark area is what Im after.

Fluffed and buffed with some new bits here and there and running it 5k, 6k, 7k GBP?

Im trying to factor out all the costs at the moment...I know the more I do to it, the more I can get for it (providing that Im not spending money on silly things!)

Input is welcome ;)

You got PM on the pricing question , but Dubdubz estimate sounds right , and boy were there some weld up beasts at the for sale area last year , very spooky stuff.
This is helping a bit...thanks to the both of you for your input. :)

This Bus is a solid one and is wonderful in comparison of many of the UK bodies I saw last year at the show, and I think the patina is attractive and in fashion. Its pretty solid even by California standards, so Im sure it is even nicer to folks not blessed with the dry climate. It is cleaning up well and the more I rub on it, the better it looks.

Mechanically I plan to have it sorted well enough to make the trip and serve the new owner well.
It really drives quite nice already, just some engine tidying and a new exhaust and it will be vastly improved. It wont be fresh rebuild stuff, but it will be serviceable.

I much prefer a stock Bus myself (or one that is REALLY insane) but if the lowered ones sell better, than I would be willing to do the job if it were to help with the quest. I have some interesting wheels to put on it and could use the thin whitewalls on another Bus... it's all good.

Please continue to give advice here on potential value...the more I hear, the better I feel about the prospect of spending an awful lot of money to ship it and myself over there on a bit of a gamble.
hi i got a 70 microbus 18 months ago and would of happerly paid 7k for yours as is
one more thing on slamming it ..............dont ,slamming so last year lol , us brits are quite perticular about what look were after and whose parts to use

crede999 said:
one more thing on slamming it ..............dont ,slamming so last year lol , us brits are quite perticular about what look were after and whose parts to use


I kind of agree with this statement:

I would leave it as stock as possible but in good working order. There are so many ways to lower a van and some of it comes down to taste some down to the size of your wallet and some down to ride quality. If I were on the look out for a good solid tin top this would be it and I would want to prepare it for MOT, put on it the parts I know and trust and get it exactly how I would want it. I have bought lowered vans before and have ripped the beam off and brakes and springplates only to put on new parts that I trust and like. I don't think you will lose anything by leaving it as it is, just make sure the engine runs well, the brakes stop true, the steering has as little play as possible and the electrics are as they should be. Leave the rest to the new owner and keep your prospective buyer market as large as you can.

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