What did you do with your early bay today

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I collected Bart from the Body shop after getting the rear end fixed up after someone drove into me. Looking good and just in time for some camping this weekend in Scone (Perth).
Noticed a whiring noise from the engine when it was started, turned out to be the Alternator pulley rear half had collapsed and was shaving bits off the alternator :shock:
Lucky catch that one !
Found my spare dizzie and got her running again.

Then shortened the ridiculously long Pertronix king lead so it wouldn't chaff the fan belt any more...

friend of mine did me some pinstriping


Nice Pinstiping, I want some on mine, my wife is artistic, trying to talk her in to giving it a go on the bus
Ran out of fuel and hitchhiked a few miles :(

Met a nice nurse who gave me a lift though! :msn4:
Sorted front seat belts out, tried to fathom the zig unit out!, cleaned the fridge!, washed the seat covers, tried to get the washer bottle to work!!!
went to busfest just to get a £5 oil pressure switch cos didn't fancy the £6 orso postage costs and ended up paying £30 for me the missus n boys got in free. :(
can't help thinking £15 p/adult just to walk round n look with no booklet/map of stalls or events programme was a tad much,try £5 tooooo much imo. :? :? ESPECIALLY WHEN THERE WAS HARDLY ANYTHING FOR E.B'S THAT I COULD SEE,UPSHOT IS IF YOU WANNA T5/T4 CONVERTED YOUR SORTED,STILL THEY GOTTA START SOMEWHERE.shame really,would like to oggle at other e.b's to see if anything i have or they have is different/better.anyhow, got me switch n struggled up british camp twice.(note to self,after rebuild get twins put back on!). :shock: :? 8)



Got rid of all the braided fuel line in my engine bay and replaced with modern rubber lines (which don't disintegrate in a year). Why do they still sell that braided stuff :roll: ?
Went to Busfest, ordered a new steering wheel from MCJ, £46 cheaper!! Good day out. Betty Boop performed well, driving 250 miles without missing a beat.
not today but friday striped the rear suspention and raised it 2.5" to level the bus up



looking a lot better,


today took it to a little car show nr coventry

tea in the sun how nice just didnt have any cake with me to go with it
Has a drive up to Busfest, met a few new faces, spent loads, got more engine ideas :msn4: and then had a blast all the way back down the M5 with the pigeon killer creationblue..... :lol:



Bits of pigeon take some cleaning, I'm just glad it didn't start to rain.......
Day out at busfest, bus ran well picked up a few parts but none we actually went for!!,
Kitted out the cab to match the rest of the bus. Made some doorcards & kickpanels and a mat...

today returned from back to basics and pick this up on the saturday, my first trophy :D


this time last year to the day my bus was burnt out after an engine fire, amazing what you can acheive in a year :)

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