What did you do with your early bay today

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uI took Sherbie to Weston Super Mare and we had a bitch of a time trying to get parked as it was just soooooooo busy. There was a Ford type event on down there with all sorts of escorts, fiestas, Granadas, Orions, Focus, Capris of all types even the older Classic types and there was a fair bit of Yankeeee Muscle topped by my favourite a couple of F100s even an F1 , they was all spread out on the grass a bit like when we do the cruise to the prom down there :mrgreen:
Right next door was an olde type steam powered fun fair that looked rather groovy with some real old type vehicles and engines :mrgreen:
So I did about three laps and eventually found a spot to park then I didn`t have any change :evil: Then I realised I only had a fiver :? So I`m wandering around trying to buy something and still have change for the car park, like that was gonna happen :lol: No cash point to be found and the local councils version of chips has given me ten minutes to get some change so I go back and get me bus out of the car park :cry: Then I think I`ll just get some fish and chips and just park somewhere else and eat em but the one way system has it`s own ideas and I eventually got parked by the little Tesco and went into Papa`s and ordered some cod and chips. So they had regular or large and for just under a tenner with a coke they had extra large, so no prizes for which one I ordered :roll: So I get back down the front and `Reeesult' I get a space overlooking the mud and the promenade all in one :mrgreen: So I scoff all the fish and chips and it was absolutely superb so well and truly recommended. Saw a couple of late bays while I was parked up and a split and earlier on I spotted a 68 early with a late front on it or just raised up indy cators :mrgreen: Then while I`m letting the chippies go down I realise my tum may actually burst with the amount of fish and chips i sneaked into my tum so I watch the scenery for a bit then I realise that every second or third person going past is eating an ice cream and I start thinking to myself,,,,,,, well I think we know what I was thinking :mrgreen: So I wait for the queue to die down and there is a fantastic Morris Commercial ice cream van with a nice young lady in that wants to sell me an ice cream :D So I pop over, mainly to have a look at the van and maybe get a small one ;) Ten minutes later I`m on my way back to the van with the biggest ice cream in the whole universe and she put two flakes as well :lol: So all in all nice afternoon :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,, Now the pubs calling my name, Oz,, Ozzie,,, Ozzzziieeee :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:
Did some more work building the cabinetry in the back yesterday. Was hoping to do some more this afternoon after work but late to bed/early shift combined with rain put paid to that idea!

Hopefully I'll get a chance tomorrow after work but somehow I doubt it as I need to go to GSF on the way home and get a new flasher relay for my daughters beetle. She won't drive it without the indicators working! What is it with the yoof of today? :roll: Don't they learn hand signals in the driving test these days?? :lol:
Drove back from the Land Rover weekend at Eastnor Castle (Worcs)...

There were 2 veedubs (me and a late bay but we were allied forces here!) on the whole campsite and neither of us had the slighest interest in the LR's, were just staying with friends

But priceless watching both of us get our little friends out of the mud trenches, then watching the LR 'enthusiasts' slip and slide and get stuck - 90% of them hadn't got a bloody clue how to drive their own cars(as opposed to our sit back, put your foot down and pray)

The late bay...


nicely done...


and in the main event ring with 2mm of mud and full on spectators...

Changed the swivel pin and bushes on the front beam :!:
Job I've been dreading but all in all went ok! :eek: !
Just ended up with a bad neck :lol: :lol:
Spent a very soggy weekend at Cornwall Jambo. Great show spent with mates so never mind the weather.

Look whats at the end of the rainbow

Joined the show and shine with some nice featured buses yesterday while the weather held

And came away with this. 8) :D

Home for the night (140 miles round trip??) as the weather is just bloody grim and back tomorrow for some more Cornish weather till Saturday (must be mad)
ozziedog said:
I bet you looked a picture trying to take them pics then scrambling around trying to get up quick to rescue your pole :lol: Over here, I`ve gone for a more flexible approach. The peeps that sell that sort of kit over here tend to push on the flexibility of the sectional poles going over a 3/4" ish yard long spike into the dirt. The spike is made of the same stuff as the pole but is solid. Not much good on concrete though :lol:
I can just about see where your brackets have twisted with the breeze. Good effort though :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,, And there`s always a plan B :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

LOL yah, I bet it was quite a sight. Luckily know one was around! LOL

A lot of the shows I go to over here are on concrete or asphalt so the set up I'm (well now hubby) working on will work out pretty good. I can use it in grass too. Maybe not so much sand though, but I don't go to the lake or ocean all that much anyway!

I like your guy's poles, that is how I got into the flag pole thing in the first place. How tall is some of your poles you can buy? Mine is 24 foot tall. It is a fiberglass pole that basically pulls up and twist it to make it go up and stay up. Reverse to put it back down. In some of your guy's event pictures I see poles that look like the really bend at the top. I think that is so cool. I don't know if mine will do that or not. Since it fell over before it could do anything else! LOL What is your guy's poles made of?

As far as what did I do to my bay today. Not much, just drove it to do some shopping. Bought so much I had to put some of my cold stuff in the icebox! :D I also went and picked up some straps to hold my paddle board down. I will be testing that tomorrow! :D So I guess if paddle boarding goes good, I may be visiting the lake more often! LOL For now I will start in my Moms pool. :D
Don`t actually know what the poles and the big spikes are made of but they are hollow and lightweight and are erected pretty much the same as your type with it being telescopic. I would say they look or feel like fibreglass but it could be something more space age like kevlar or knitted willies or something but they bend very much like a fishing rod / pole and the more flags you have, the more the pole bends. I got a model / kite of a red tri plane and it`s called the Red Baron but the wind has to be just right. If it`s more than a bit of a breeze he`s off dive bombing everything and everyone around, and if it`s too still he just hangs there upside down like a limp ,,,,,,,*"* you know what :lol: They`re not mega bucks over here though, asphalt wouldn`t be too hard to put a spike in but concrete`s a bit tougher . With the more flexible approach to poles, the anchor don`t need to be quite so robust :mrgreen: They do recommend not putting steel spikes inside our poles though because of a bit more flexibility and the steel rubbing through the pole.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,, Great fun aren`t they :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen:
justcruzin said:
ozziedog said:
I bet you looked a picture trying to take them pics then scrambling around trying to get up quick to rescue your pole :lol: Over here, I`ve gone for a more flexible approach. The peeps that sell that sort of kit over here tend to push on the flexibility of the sectional poles going over a 3/4" ish yard long spike into the dirt. The spike is made of the same stuff as the pole but is solid. Not much good on concrete though :lol:
I can just about see where your brackets have twisted with the breeze. Good effort though :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,, And there`s always a plan B :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

LOL yah, I bet it was quite a sight. Luckily know one was around! LOL

A lot of the shows I go to over here are on concrete or asphalt so the set up I'm (well now hubby) working on will work out pretty good. I can use it in grass too. Maybe not so much sand though, but I don't go to the lake or ocean all that much anyway!

I like your guy's poles, that is how I got into the flag pole thing in the first place. How tall is some of your poles you can buy? Mine is 24 foot tall. It is a fiberglass pole that basically pulls up and twist it to make it go up and stay up. Reverse to put it back down. In some of your guy's event pictures I see poles that look like the really bend at the top. I think that is so cool. I don't know if mine will do that or not. Since it fell over before it could do anything else! LOL What is your guy's poles made of?

As far as what did I do to my bay today. Not much, just drove it to do some shopping. Bought so much I had to put some of my cold stuff in the icebox! :D I also went and picked up some straps to hold my paddle board down. I will be testing that tomorrow! :D So I guess if paddle boarding goes good, I may be visiting the lake more often! LOL For now I will start in my Moms pool. :D

These are the sort we see at all the festivals, with a multitude of different adornments. It's like flag city sometimes! : );
http://www.windcreations.co.uk/shop/category/167/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Rosie said:
justcruzin said:
ozziedog said:
I bet you looked a picture trying to take them pics then scrambling around trying to get up quick to rescue your pole :lol: Over here, I`ve gone for a more flexible approach. The peeps that sell that sort of kit over here tend to push on the flexibility of the sectional poles going over a 3/4" ish yard long spike into the dirt. The spike is made of the same stuff as the pole but is solid. Not much good on concrete though :lol:
I can just about see where your brackets have twisted with the breeze. Good effort though :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,, And there`s always a plan B :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

LOL yah, I bet it was quite a sight. Luckily know one was around! LOL

A lot of the shows I go to over here are on concrete or asphalt so the set up I'm (well now hubby) working on will work out pretty good. I can use it in grass too. Maybe not so much sand though, but I don't go to the lake or ocean all that much anyway!

I like your guy's poles, that is how I got into the flag pole thing in the first place. How tall is some of your poles you can buy? Mine is 24 foot tall. It is a fiberglass pole that basically pulls up and twist it to make it go up and stay up. Reverse to put it back down. In some of your guy's event pictures I see poles that look like the really bend at the top. I think that is so cool. I don't know if mine will do that or not. Since it fell over before it could do anything else! LOL What is your guy's poles made of?

As far as what did I do to my bay today. Not much, just drove it to do some shopping. Bought so much I had to put some of my cold stuff in the icebox! :D I also went and picked up some straps to hold my paddle board down. I will be testing that tomorrow! :D So I guess if paddle boarding goes good, I may be visiting the lake more often! LOL For now I will start in my Moms pool. :D

These are the sort we see at all the festivals, with a multitude of different adornments. It's like flag city sometimes! : );
http://www.windcreations.co.uk/shop/category/167/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

From what it looks like, your guy's are more flexible then mine. Mine is pretty big at the base. Yours looks to be maybe 3/4" at the base and goes smaller as it extends up. Looks more like a fishing pole then a flag pole like mine. Mine came with 3 rings to hold flags. Yours look to only have a hoop at the end to hold one sock.

Ok, my math skills are not up to par. What is 9m in feet?? LOL My pole is 24 foot tall. I kind of like your poles, someday I may have to spend the bucks to get one from over there. They look a lot more flexiable and I really like how they bend in the wind! :D
Today I put my tent to the bus! Also put a different board on it to test out my strapping ability. Survived all day so far. Even though I do believe I have it on backwards. I think technically the nose should be facing the rear. Did a photo shoot with all that and the Schwinns. Now to just go camping one day! LOL


The poles come in various lengths up to 11 metres (bloody metric) each metre is approximately a yard or three feet, and the poles are a little thicker at the base as they get taller. Mine (I`m guessing) is 9-10 metres and about one and a half inches at the base. They do a large sock that goes over the pole with lots of rings for lots of flags or they do little connectors to put flags on as and where you like, I think they`re called ring connectors or something like that :? I`ll ask around and see if I can find someone who has a web site and they may import for you, or one of us will help if you want one. Now as far as the technicalities of which way round your board goes :?: :?: :?: We used to run all around the lower part of Oz with our boards back in the early 70s and we used to chuck em on any which way and never had one try to escape :mrgreen: But mostly the same way you have yours, with the aerodynamics of a board against the dynamics of a bus, I don`t spose you`ll have too many problems :lol: Whatever you do and wherever you go, some expert will come along and tell you there`s a much better way :? Maybe if you have it the other way your fuel consumption will go up to 40 mpg :lol: Be even better with it inside but it won`t look so cool :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, Love them Schwinns :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
ozziedog said:
The poles come in various lengths up to 11 metres (bloody metric) each metre is approximately a yard or three feet, and the poles are a little thicker at the base as they get taller. Mine (I`m guessing) is 9-10 metres and about one and a half inches at the base. They do a large sock that goes over the pole with lots of rings for lots of flags or they do little connectors to put flags on as and where you like, I think they`re called ring connectors or something like that :? I`ll ask around and see if I can find someone who has a web site and they may import for you, or one of us will help if you want one. Now as far as the technicalities of which way round your board goes :?: :?: :?: We used to run all around the lower part of Oz with our boards back in the early 70s and we used to chuck em on any which way and never had one try to escape :mrgreen: But mostly the same way you have yours, with the aerodynamics of a board against the dynamics of a bus, I don`t spose you`ll have too many problems :lol: Whatever you do and wherever you go, some expert will come along and tell you there`s a much better way :? Maybe if you have it the other way your fuel consumption will go up to 40 mpg :lol: Be even better with it inside but it won`t look so cool :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, Love them Schwinns :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Thanks Ozziedog. For now I will just go with my pole. I will have to wait a while to buy another, won't go over good with the other half if I buy another so soon after the first! LOL I will hit someone up for help getting one from over there when the time comes.

As far as the board, yah I have seen them mounted both way's. Just heard that a "true surfer" mounts them with the fins in the front. That way if the strap comes loose a bit the fins stop the board from sliding out. Not sure how true that is. I figured my board doesn't have fins at all so either way would work! LOL This way just looks cooler. :D It survived all day to day so I guess it is good to go. :D

As far as the Schwinns, Yah, I bought them just for displays for my bus at shows! LOL Old Schwinns, surfboards and VWs is the way to go. :D
Drag racing at shakey (recovered enough today to turn laptop on ;) )flooded on sat and had to use trailer as a bridge to get over moat between awning and road,peeps next to us had to move tent we were ok.qualified 5th as with new engine ect still not got heads around dial in,60 ft times down due to the rain from sat washing rubber ect of track.then on the monday between showers won first 2 rounds with a bye into the finals.then it rained :roll: good meeting as we have finished runner up in track championship(again 8) )and have photo of her pulling a wheelie with wheel spin!!!!

dave ----------nearly dried out.
Walked to llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch and collected van after MOT saga that lasted three weeks. Got an MOT, temporary skin of a front attached with gaps behind in arch itself and welded pillar of sort next to it. Van had temporary (when I say temporary I probably mean 'personalised' rather than stock - not too pretty) repair to under seat belt and seat area and some nice green gaffa tape to rear arch. Also new starter fitted - does sound different to start to older starter. Van home in street and found 16 year old + java green paint and sprayed panel without any prep at all and over label!! I just wanted it to loom pretty for today :)

Now I am using autoglym to find out number of old starter motor as it did not have the long sticky out protrusion bit from teeth. one of the bolt bracket things (aluminium??) been cut of / brokenoff in removal .. Taking starter to autoelectrics
justcruzin said:
Thanks Ozziedog. For now I will just go with my pole. I will have to wait a while to buy another, won't go over good with the other half if I buy another so soon after the first! LOL I will hit someone up for help getting one from over there when the time comes.

As far as the board, yah I have seen them mounted both way's. Just heard that a "true surfer" mounts them with the fins in the front. That way if the strap comes loose a bit the fins stop the board from sliding out. Not sure how true that is. I figured my board doesn't have fins at all so either way would work! LOL This way just looks cooler. :D It survived all day to day so I guess it is good to go. :D

As far as the Schwinns, Yah, I bought them just for displays for my bus at shows! LOL Old Schwinns, surfboards and VWs is the way to go. :D

Kim, here's my mate's website so you can see what's available.

http://www.autocamp.org.uk/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

We normally drive a ground stake into the ground to fix the pole, the stake's made from carbon fibre the same as the pole to minimise wear where the pole rubs against it. If you use a steel stake it wears a ring around the inside of the base section and the pole will snap at this point.
sparkywig said:
justcruzin said:
Thanks Ozziedog. For now I will just go with my pole. I will have to wait a while to buy another, won't go over good with the other half if I buy another so soon after the first! LOL I will hit someone up for help getting one from over there when the time comes.

As far as the board, yah I have seen them mounted both way's. Just heard that a "true surfer" mounts them with the fins in the front. That way if the strap comes loose a bit the fins stop the board from sliding out. Not sure how true that is. I figured my board doesn't have fins at all so either way would work! LOL This way just looks cooler. :D It survived all day to day so I guess it is good to go. :D

As far as the Schwinns, Yah, I bought them just for displays for my bus at shows! LOL Old Schwinns, surfboards and VWs is the way to go. :D

Kim, here's my mate's website so you can see what's available.

http://www.autocamp.org.uk/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

We normally drive a ground stake into the ground to fix the pole, the stake's made from carbon fibre the same as the pole to minimise wear where the pole rubs against it. If you use a steel stake it wears a ring around the inside of the base section and the pole will snap at this point.

Thanks for the link! I will go check them out.

I was looking in the "Events" thread, looking for ideas for flags and I saw this one that is maybe 5 or so foot long. It is a windsock style with rings in maybe the color of blue and white. I want a sock like that! LOL

We have a place in Old Sac. that sells different styles of kites and flags and all. I plan on going down there once I get back from my cruise. If I don't find what I want I will be shopping in your guy's area! LOL

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