What jobs do we do?

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Had my own Property Maintenance company in London and did a bit of location facility work out of Pinewood but put in a lot of hours and missed alot of my older two kids growing up.
When my youngest was born I decided to pack it all in, used all my savings to set up a wool shop for my wife so she could do what she always dreamed of and became a full time dad.
I still do a bit, part time caretaker in a local primary school, but thats just early morning and a couple of hours late afternoon.
I honestly dont miss the rat race, this time with my three year old is priceless, one day things will change but ive still got the bus and being optimus prime for your kid aint so bad :D
Lee C said:
Portberry St , just off Commercial Rd , you know it ?
Garage is called crash magic .

Not too well but then I get up there so little now and its all changed since I were a kid, not all for the better.....

I grew up in Simonside so spent my youth on Jarrow slacks, black hills, how the hell I survived
Design engineer for Bentley, loads of stress no time to get any thing done, and pays not as good as it could be. Was better when I freelanced.

If I had know what I wanted to do at 18 I would have trained to be an architect.

Well we all have to pay the bills and keep the toys on the road, and its a better job than some I have done.

I keep thinking about doing freelance stuff in my own time again so if anyone has any projects they want designing get in touch. :D
Araon said:
Lee C said:
Portberry St , just off Commercial Rd , you know it ?
Garage is called crash magic .

Not too well but then I get up there so little now and its all changed since I were a kid, not all for the better.....

I grew up in Simonside so spent my youth on Jarrow slacks, black hills, how the hell I survived

I was dragged up in sima too :shock: in the 80s n 90s .
I'm a lock-keeper at a marina.

I work permanent nights, which I absolutely love.
It's easy work, and I'm un-supervised, and I get loads of time to browse my favourite forum! :lol:

I also get some variety, in that apart from occasionally covering on days, I get to cover at other sites too, from time to time. :D

One of the best things is no commuting. Work is a 10 minute walk from home!
Project Manager for a construction and fit out company. We put a toe into property development a couple of years ago and needless to say have taken it straight out again!
I spent 15 years as a panel beater for a vw franchise and after many years of the same walls and bonus schemes I had enougth and managed to find the balls to leave and go it alone as a ....Carpenter ;) (long story) for which i have been doing for my self for the past 6 years.
I still keep my hand in doing buses and the like and still enjoy it, plus now i can build my own interiors too :).
I have no regrets even with a down turn in the recession and would urge anyone who is unhappy at work to do something about it......your never too old to change. 8)
Windsurfer got electrical probs :?: I know bay wireing no probs cant be any more than 4 or 5 miles from yours,help if you need it and any other EBs local to Malvern
I'm a Product Manager for Connectivity with a UK ISP/Managed Services Company - I'm a crap product manager as I haven't been doing it that long :D

I moved within the company and still do my old job - Technical Manager for Remote Monitoring/Network Management - I'm a geek through and through and specialise in Networking (Cisco mainly) and infrastructure (early on I was a Novell Netware CNA ;) ) and particularly SNMP - working for an ISP is great, apart from the RAPID internet connection at work it gives a great insight into the internet, how it's held together and the arrangements between companies/countries/government and social awareness of technology and how it's changing our lives (hence computer in the bus!)

I started out as an apprentice for project management in the building trade - a long time ago I was a certified elecritian technician but my wiring skills may mask this fact ;) - if I didn't work in technology I don't know what I would do? Would love to have a job involving vehicles but sadly I'm still learning on the practical stuff, really want to get into my own technology lifestyle consulting business but 3 kids and a mortgage prevent me from taking the plunge, that and the fact that there might not be enough people out there who want their life digitised to keep me in work :mrgreen:

So that's about it - if any EB'er wants free impartial assistance with Custom PC building(am a keen gamer)/Networking/Wireless/Firewall/Web development e.t.c. then feel free to drop me a PM - can have a remote session up within 2 minutes!

Now.....back to working out what a valve is and how you adjust it :mrgreen:
I spent 15 years as a panel beater for a vw franchise and after many years of the same walls and bonus schemes I had enougth and managed to find the balls to leave and go it alone as a ....Carpenter (long story) for which i have been doing for my self for the past 6 years.
I still keep my hand in doing buses and the like and still enjoy it, plus now i can build my own interiors too .
I have no regrets even with a down turn in the recession and would urge anyone who is unhappy at work to do something about it......your never too old to change.

Nice one Chippi ;)
lard said:
(early on I was a Novell Netware CNA ;) )

Only a CNA - I was a CNE mate (Novell 3.11) - been in the game for over 30 years now and seen it all before (first used the net in 1996, before it went massive..............)

Anyway, less of me, let a few more tell us what they do :mrgreen:

(EDIT: - just re-read the above and sounds it bit......... replace mate with dude - sorry, too much port followed by cider :shock: )
gninnam said:
lard said:
(early on I was a Novell Netware CNA ;) )

Only a CNA - I was a CNE mate (Novell 3.11) - been in the game for over 30 years now and seen it all before (first used the net in 1996, before it went massive..............)

Anyway, less of me, let a few more tell us what they do :mrgreen:

(EDIT: - just re-read the above and sounds it bit......... replace mate with dude - sorry, too much port followed by cider :shock: )


oooooh - you're a bindary man 8)

My bro was a CNE (and never let me forget it :lol: )

ahhhh - the days of dialup and a smoothwall foiling Demon's disconnect after 4 hours policy 8) - now all I see is people complaining they can't get 8Mb for £20 a month :| - most ISP's didn't have 8Mb transit's then! - happy days :)
Thought I would join in :) seems mostly blokes on here so a bit of female influence is always good :D

I have had a few jobs, worked on the Greenpeace veseel Solo (proper hippy) then became a Youth Worker/ Social Worker eventually worked at 'The Priory' specialising in Addictions and Abuse survivors. Mother of 3 sons and a granny ...that does count as a job ;)

Got bored with all that so became an addict (to my bus) and am now Head Gardener of my own little company :lol:
type2tattoo said:
Thought I would join in :) seems mostly blokes on here so a bit of female influence is always good :D

I have had a few jobs, worked on the Greenpeace veseel Solo (proper hippy) then became a Youth Worker/ Social Worker eventually worked at 'The Priory' specialising in Addictions and Abuse survivors. Mother of 3 sons and a granny ...that does count as a job ;)

Got bored with all that so became an addict (to my bus) and am now Head Gardener of my own little company :lol:

We definately needed some female input and YES, Mother of 3 is THE hardest job ;)
Greenpeace sounds cool. What's your bus painted like? I have images of CND signs :mrgreen:

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