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Finally back on my username yey

Any pm's to ddffrost now please and i have all your orders still curretnly at 8 sets.


Quick update

Got the final set back Friday night so ended up fitting them at 10:30 a night ready for Big Bang Show on Saturday which all went well.

The few little changes we had done made a world of difference really look good now so hopefully we'll have the first few sets in a couple weeks.

I'm taking the hinges out again so they can use them as a template so i'll try and take some more pics!

Also they managed the combined weight of me and my brother on them Saturday night so they must be pretty strong lol.

I'll be there with the ones in mine for people to look at but there wont be any ready to buy by then I dont think as its only a week away now!

The plan is to have 10 sets made at the same time so that everyone will get them at the same time.

They will be powder coated to not sprayed black in a hurry 10 mins before fitting them like mine are lol.
Ok looked at the hinges again and to answer two questions

1. No you cant have the middle seat in position and fold the bed down apparently there were seperate hinges which moved the middle seat forward i've not seen these but if anyone has any picutres i'd be willing to make these to other wise we considered just making another set of the hinges without the arm to hold the back rest of the seat.

2. yes you can keep your seat belts in place no problem just have to thread them back through when you put the seats down and up again.

Hope this helps

getting finally costings on the sets today and we will start production on Tuesday so with any luck should have some sets in a couple weeks.


tell your friends lol
:lol: you been busy then....

spotted you briefly at the show then turned around and you'd gone....

did anyone at Stanford get a view of the set up.....
Hi dude,

yer i was going to come over and say hi but some of the splitty boys grabbed me to look at the hinges and we were parked right at the back of the parking area so by the time i'd walked all the way back and then over to the other far side of the parking to see the guys 23 window samba i was pooped so didnt hang around long.

sets will be ready in two weeks hopefully you like the add?
A funky grab yer attention ad.....

So you tried it in a split then? or does it require type specific tweeking?
yer a guy called Yan lives about 3 miles from me and we put them in his 13 window no worries no tweaking or anything its essentially the same seat.

i'm well and truely sick of bolting the things in and out of me van now though lol.

my bro did the add he's a graphics designer which is handy lol.

going to see the metal work guys tomorrow with a big wedge of my cash hopefully that will spur em on i know people are getting ready for these specially with the camping show season in mid flow now!
First sets will be £155 powdercoated thats the best i can do price wise.

Order submitted now so 2-3 weeks and they'll all be powder coated and out the door. Have to look into postage costs etc or i'll be at a fair few shows in the next few months if people want to meet me there.

Once they have gone off to be coated i'll be taking payments so we can get them straight out once there coated.
Price seems very reasonable to me. Great work dave!

l can collect mine at Stonor (if you're going)?
where is stonor dude?

not sure if i'd planned that one i'll be at stop over, bug jam, van fest if i can get in
Quick Update

Been to see our manufactorer today and he's half way throught the sets so were on for 20 sets next Friday god willing!

So all being well i'll be taking your hard earned cash next Friday then i can get them powder coated and off out to you all the following week.


If anyone knows anyone who could be intereted give em a shout had a few people let me down already so have a few sets left over will take them to shows or poss ebay them

I don't think you'll have any trouble selling them Dave. I suspect there are a few fence sitters like me who just want to have a closer look at them first before taking the plunge. Good work on this, I admire your tenacity.

Message to all the fence sitters out there...

"Stop getting splinters and grab yourself some hinges from Dave before you miss your chance!"

Well today I have turned my middle seat round ready for the Z Hinges, this is so I don't have to remove it to pull it out as a bed :D it is only bolted in buy the front bolts but seems strong.
I don't need a set but just wanted to say well done on getting this far with the product.I hope all goes well with the sales and you move on to the next project with the same determination.(yes I want a set of over riders for the back of my bus!!)
regards paul
Good work Shaggy i might do the same with my middle seat

Should have some info on the overiders next week after the hinges are all done

Check out our web site its not finished yet but let me know what you all think!


Once we get the hinges out can people please post feedback and pics for me


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