Foz said:Its great that we're all finally booking the ferry crossing, but would we not save money if we booked as a group, Rather than individually? Not had many ferry dealings so unsure if Thats possible?
Own a Bay?......Feel the love!
Graham L said:Personally I dont think its a kids events, lots of sitting around drinking beer, a night in the pub and then Sunday wandered the streets looking at all the aircooled you wish you owned
5erge said:Okay, so Friday night Saturday night and Sunday night. One night I can handle but my mate is going to come with me, the wife and kids most definately at home.
My mate loves Jack Daniels who doesn't but this combined with beer, fried chicken and kebabs and the inside of my bus will be rank come the next morning. I think I'm just going to go for the early Saturday ferry and late Sunday, I'll try and chase down the cruise pack.