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First part welded on and the welds ground down.
Doesn’t have to be too neat as it will be difficult to see so just some paint and all good.

Nice to see even the tucked away parts being considered thoughtfully. Don’t think anyone is going to stick their head inside that little engine space opening to count the holes. Well.......other than the traditionalist obsessive’s. Dubs? They’re made to whistle a happy tune while you’re driving them. The Beatles sang about four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire. Don’t think they were singing about Dub parts. 😉
Not been away as such but changed my ISP so changed my email address and the account got locked out!!
Thanks for the kind words and still plodding on.

Fitted the fire retardant stuff and the metal bits today




All good fun ;)

Got the fan off the old dynamo and connected to the new alternator. Mounted to fan shroud and all mounted to the rest of the engine.
Look at fitting some more of the tinware this week.




Carb loosely on:



Can anyone lend me the tool to remove the oil filler neck off of the old dynamo stand??

Rear tinware on and also the fan pulley.




Seems to be very high on the right hand side so that the hole seems to be well above the pipe for the heat box…….


Thoughts or nothing to worry about?
I had a similar issue with the tinware alignment on my '72... Makes fitting the pipes a proper smeg, but it is doable with sufficient swearing.
After the local garage put the heat exchanger bundle kit in place I fitted new hose and sealing rubbers. I noticed the left side had this lower than the other problem. Original tinware and new exchangers I thought may be the issue. Real pain fitting the metal tube joint. Swore quite a bit I remember. A bit short on the left. Now? Paul had the new after market tinware I bought to refit it all back in alongside those same cheapo after market bundle kit heat exchangers as said. All aligned. Maybe new to new? I think your renovation process involved all original tinware? I remember you saying the exchangers were original. Not sure about your gaskets, etc and all the numerous joints involved. So many little joints and angles to consider in this set up!! I also read about the actual after market tinware needing adjustments in certain instances. Maybe that’s not bending actual tinware but drilling new access holes for other considerations and nothing to do with the heating arrangements and stock stuff. It’s a bit of a Heath Robinson sometimes down there.
gvee said:
I had a similar issue with the tinware alignment on my '72... Makes fitting the pipes a proper smeg, but it is doable with sufficient swearing.
Cheers G - so looking forward to it :)
graysummers said:
After the local garage put the heat exchanger bundle kit in place I fitted new hose and sealing rubbers. I noticed the left side had this lower than the other problem. Original tinware and new exchangers I thought may be the issue. Real pain fitting the metal tube joint. Swore quite a bit I remember. A bit short on the left. Now? Paul had the new after market tinware I bought to refit it all back in alongside those same cheapo after market bundle kit heat exchangers as said. All aligned. Maybe new to new? I think your renovation process involved all original tinware? I remember you saying the exchangers were original. Not sure about your gaskets, etc and all the numerous joints involved. So many little joints and angles to consider in this set up!! I also read about the actual after market tinware needing adjustments in certain instances. Maybe that’s not bending actual tinware but drilling new access holes for other considerations and nothing to do with the heating arrangements and stock stuff. It’s a bit of a Heath Robinson sometimes down there.

Original tinware but the heat exchangers I bought about 10 years ago and are original bay units I was told.
Will keep on plugging along and will get there.

Fitted the anti-roll bar today.




Also fitted the engine hangers to the chassis but no pics (sorry) :)

Last day of June - where has the last 6 months gone…………
Finished off putting the steering bits together.
First up the donut betwixt steering column and steering box.


Connected the drag link up at either end:



Just need to find the nut that keeps the pitman arm on the steering box and some pins then all done - just can’t find the nut at the moment……

You’re expecting a one liner joke aren’t you? ‘The nut is on the end of the spanner which the hand is holding’ 😉...........Looking amazing and really tidy down at ‘underpants’ level. That sounds weird. Underpants? Hope people here have read your full post! Rock on July now. Mine was up and running end of August....ish. Last September was a heat and sunshine blast. Be good to see you out and about. Challenge? If it’s solid and can hit the road...the polishy inside aesthetics can wait.
graysummers said:
You’re expecting a one liner joke aren’t you? ‘The nut is on the end of the spanner which the hand is holding’ 😉...........Looking amazing and really tidy down at ‘underpants’ level. That sounds weird. Underpants? Hope people here have read your full post! Rock on July now. Mine was up and running end of August....ish. Last September was a heat and sunshine blast. Be good to see you out and about. Challenge? If it’s solid and can hit the road...the polishy inside aesthetics can wait.
I was expecting a joke so thanks for not disappointing :lol:
Not sure where I am going with it now as I have had enough and will sell it as is (for a big loss but hay ho...)
What should I ask as it still needs a lot doing to it to make it safe and road legal?? £5k or less??
When I bought mine in 2008, I first saw it as a shell which was to go through a ‘renovation’ process. I waited a year and paid £6,500 plus........ I forked out £2,500 for the furniture. When Paul started on the ‘real and proper’ renovation process he saw so much rust, poor welding and paper filling the holes. The wiring was absolute pants too. The front beam collapsed after 2 years and I had to replace that, the exhaust, the heat exchangers and starter motor all rusted and needing replacing. The steering wheel was wobbling because there was no spring to hold down the column bush, and the welding joints on the bodywork split around the petrol tank. The two doors and sliding door were bottom filled with polyfilla type equivalent and silicone mastic held bits of metal together. There was more niggly heartache problems than I could shake a fist at. Leaks! And an upturned boat for a pop-top. 2009, after I collected her, my initial outlay was £9,000 with a lot of cash spent patching up over the years until Paul got it in 2015 and waved his magic wand. I suppose I was stupid really paying out when buying it in the first place. You’ve got racks of photographic evidence of a job really well done. If someone finished it’d be worth maybe £15,000 to £18,000? Think wisely!’s a Crossover. Even though people are good humoured and call them Cross-dressers, they are pretty awesomely unique. Look at eBay and what they’re going for I suppose. But VeeDubs of 1972? Currently they are more and more desirable. BUT! When it comes to it.......I’d love to see you behind the wheel! You deserve that much.
Thanks for the info.
Dread to think how much I have spent on it (must be close to 10k) and still not ready.
Totally lost interest now and would like the space back (on the drive and in the garage). It has been a good learning curve.
True - possibly wouldn't take to much to get it safe and legal but after close to 15 years I think it would be better if someone else took it on :(