What did you do with your early bay today

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went to dub mania at weston park got soak to the bone and am now in bed feeling very cold sick and i have the tremors all in all a good day out, the bus is now running like a dream with its new engine :D
lobie said:
went to dub mania at weston park got soak to the bone and am now in bed feeling very cold sick and i have the tremors all in all a good day out, the bus is now running like a dream with its new engine :D

Went there too pal...camped over last night. Then the rains came.....and didn't stop!
I gave it a couple of hours in the show and shine, then gave up and headed home, cold wet and very pee'd off!
Didn't even get to show off my new surf table I'd spent all day Saturday fitting!! :-(

....Feel the love!
fitted 2 new engine mounts on the moustache bar had to exchange 1 new one as the spot welded nut was welded in the wrong position .. :evil:
Went camping in Leicestershire got soaked . Learnt I've got a leak on my tailgate seal , now home and counting down to bus stopover
took my daughter to markeaton park and cooked meatballs and spagetti and made the most of the bank holiday sunshine, ever had an ice cream :lol:
Packed up camper to go to Dorset tomorrow whilst hubby fitted a Landrover Discovery Dickie seat behind passenger seat. Really made up with the results. Will look even better when I've had it covered to match the rest....
well today i went to carrington rally, it appears i have more horsepower than most of the steam engines and tractors that
were on show :lol:
Fitted Fauxs conti bed kit (cheers for the extra brackets Jon)

And packed up ready 4am start south to Padstow.
Spent the weekend in North Devon (Sunny, Wet, Wet, Wet, Wetter and then sunny again today)
Great day at Big Sunday which had the best turn out ive seen for a one day show for ages and the weather was ****. Big up to Bob for organizing that top weekend.
Some top motch vans and cars on show.
Home now having a G&T in front of the telly.
Hey gang ! :mrgreen: Just got back from Plymfest. I`m having tailgate drippy issues as well so ended up putting the gazebo over the back of the van as well as covering the tailgate with a plastic sign :lol: Sort off worked :roll: We also had a smashing sunny day Friday and Saturday then someone opened the tap and didn`t turn it off till today. Still drying my boots out and T shirts and socks etc etc etc ;) Met some real nice peeps there but the Earlies were in very short supply, spotted two and maybe three or four crossers and about a dozen latey types but quite a few T this that and the others :mrgreen: Lots of splitty tents and even a home made one :shock: All in all not a bad show, loads of music and stuff going on but next to nothing on the greasy bits side, maybe just one selling watercooled bits and bobs :shock:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Oh,,,,, and a few Stellas,,, which reminds me,,, best get up the pub :lol: ;) :lol:
I did the first oil and filter change since the rebuild. New alternator belt and fitted new KYB rear shocks. The new rear shocks are amazing. So much nicer to drive. Next weekend I'll be fitting my Red 9 design Ez rider coil over kit to the front. Rosie sits with her bum down so hope to lower the front 2" and having Spax will be able to twiddle the stiffness to my hearts content :D
Took the door cards off to clean all that wet horible **** that sits in the bottom of your doors and rots through, then painted some old engine oil in there.

Then I fitted my latest ebay purchase... a York 863 CB Radio
That`s on my to do list as well as a Zillion other things. Found one under a seat in Madonna as I chopped her up :shock: :shock: :shock: Still got an AM one as well but I spose most breakers will be hitting the street legal one nowdays. So FM it`s gonna be then. Might be the only legalish thing in most busses :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, Catch you on the flip side :mrgreen: ;) :mrgreen:
Nifty little trailer you got there sparkywig in the process of making one myself

an not much just been making the drivers front chassis legs that holds the steering box an pedal assembly.. not a fun job my heads ready to pop