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Well-known member
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Jan 24, 2010
Reaction score
East Brizzal
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Did some more welding on my bus over the last few weeks, and went to put the earth lead back on to move it and it was allready on :shock: I`d left it on previously and don`t know what sort of damage I could have done. :shock: :?
We got an alternator, sooooo started it up, got it running nicely then put my foot on the brakes and the high beams on and revved the engine in long and short bursts but the headlights 4 -6 feet onto my bench didn`t seem to get any brighter. I also am not 100% sure that I had some sort of warning light on the dash display before hand as I have not got one now, just the oil light. Been working on it for almost a year now and hadn`t driven it much before that.
Question ; How do I tell if the alternater is charging ?? I need an easy way cause I`m a bit stupid with leccy.
Question ; What damage is likely, and if it is a diode, how easy would it be for me to sort ^^^ :lol: ;) :lol:
It may sound like I know a bit, however with leccy I am completely out of my depth and hold my hands up to it.
I know the theory side of it: The hamster runs round and round....... ........ etc :oops:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, Stuffed it up good and proper this time !!! :shock: :? :shock:
ive been working on mine a year now and done loads of weding and i never take the earth lead off (didnt know you were supposed to)

It drives in and out my makes workshop fine every week, perhaps its just from sitting
Sorry to be so dim Greggholmes, I`ve got a meter (that I found) but have no idea what it does really. If I connect it to the battery until I can get it to read 12 volts ish, then start it up and check again?? If I get the same reading it`s not charging, right ? I`ll go and do that right now ! Funny how, when you`re out of your depth, you start worrying :roll:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,, Electrically clueless :?
back in the stone age when i was in school.....
the fully charged battery should read 13.2 volts..( its actually a 12 cell battery at 1.1 volts each)
Charging should read around about 14'ish volts
I did that,, (not sure what I did) I clicked the meter to dc and got it to register on the scale about a 1/4 inch up from the stop on the left, nearest number to it was 200 and two little spaces so I guess it was 220. Anyhow started it and re connected the meter and it was the same, revved the engine and still the same. Went to turn the ignition off and the red light with G (Genny ?) on it came on when I switched off. Did the whole routine over again with the same results but the red light is on when I hit the ignition, and goes out when he starts which seems proper. So the only difference is now I have a red light but I still am none the wiser about if I`m charging or not, if the light goes out, then we`re cooking ?????
Any other tests that don`t involve a meter ?? Not really sure what`s going on there. Big thanks for your help so far

Ozziedog :p :oops: :p
do not know if your meter is set right, bit confused with what you saying, if pos post pictures of meter, may be able to help more then. If gen light comes on with ignition then goes out when started then i would say you are at least getting some charge, iirc the gen light comes on when there is a lower voltage from alternator/dynamo then battery. Did you disconnect positve term on battery before welding???? If you can not post pics on here pm me and i will send my email address to you and you can email pics to me!!!!

Hi Dave, I thought it was necessary to disconnect the battery and electrics when welding and I was doing this by taking off the earth lead. One time somehow I forgot and that`s when I noticed I didn`t have a little red light coming on with the ignition (earth back on). I couldn`t remember if I had one originally. After pissing about with that meter, the red light was working again, on with the ignition and off when running. Iffy connection somewhere I`m guessing in the engine bay. I`m really after a little way to test if the alternater is working that don`t involve a meter (clueless). The meter itself is at this moment in time still in orbit after I booted it :shock: :roll: :shock: . When it gets dark, I`ll try again with the headlights unless you have a foolproof (me) way that don`t involve a meter. Thanks for your attempts to sort a problem with an electro pleb at the other end.

Ozziedog ,, Electro pleb extrordinaire !! :lol:
ozzie post a pic of your meter and and we willshow you how to set it / use it ........once you know youll use it all the time


ps the only way to tell without this method is drive it at night till your lights go dim :shock: and with winter coming !!!! ;)
Hey Chris, :oops: :oops: :oops: I wasn`t joking when I said I`d booted it. :shock: :? :shock:
I think it might be a good idea for me to get a meter (new) that I actually understand. When it stops raining I can go and have a wander in the back field and see if I can find the old one, I feel a bit soft now that I think about it :roll:
Sounds quite posh don`t it,, " the back field " it`s just a playing field behind my back lane. If it`s still in one piece I`ll photo it and post it up, thanks for putting up we me you lot :lol: ;) :lol: , it was a great kick too, and that`ll be my Ausie rules from school. 8)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,, off for a walk in the field :roll:

P.S. Should I be taking the earth lead off when welding mig, or is that just arc ?
All sorted and charging now :)
Dodgy connections done by previous owner when removing the regulator, alternator field connection loose, twisted joints and incorrectly sized cable.



That's one job done oz, what's next?
Oh yes, a bit of paint, windows to be put in, roof to be fixed on, doors fitted, wheels on, etc....
When is Oktoberfest? :lol:
Hey Wiggy, thanks for doing that for me, that`s great !!! 8) I didn`t see you popping photos off, looks good on photos don`t it. Need someone to do the windows tomorrow though, just put something up in General. That guy Steve may get back to me yet, but I only got his ans service, back out to it now, before you tell me off :lol: :roll: :lol:

Ozziedog :lol: :p :lol:

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