Whats your day job!

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Im an operations manager for one of the Uks largest Orthodontic supplies companies. Basically i run everything, staff, building, stock etc.

Our company sells everything to straighten teeth, so most days i see some sort of mouth product from 7am to 5pm :roll: but as you say it pays the bills and keeps me in dubs, plus helps with the cider fund :wink:
I am a professional horticulturist.
Having spent nearly 21 years in the same job. I am part of the small team that run, maintain, and design the floral displays in the Bournemouth pleasure gardens. Apart from that I am also involved with flower shows such as Tatton Park and Chelsea, having gained a few gold medals too!

During the day I get almost as many questions about my camper, as I do for gardening advice!!

Being in Bournemouth there are always plenty of VW's to spot too !!
Wow, think we got most proffessions on the forum up to now! Seems that most people wanna live the dream of working in a vw related business! Keep em coming!
Finished school, spent 8 years in the SA National Defence Force as a Military Intelligence Officer. Found out that an Aston Martin was not one of the perks, so I left the army, studied journalism for 3 years. In that time I waitered and worked at a large theatre. Currently working as a software support agent for the fleet management department of a vehicle tracking and recovery company http://www.netstar.co.za

Drive 200 - 400 km per day for work in my '71 Bay, since my Mercedes got stolen last year :oops: :oops: Luckily the company pays my petrol...

Took this pic yesterday at the site where an alleged phantom motorcyclist is seen at night, while returning from a client


Tried to catch the front Fuchs while in motion on Monday, but because my arm is not too long, it was not too succesful...


Yes, it does get boring on the road all day :?
G'day folks,

Looks like we've got one hell of a mix of professions, between us we could rule the world!!!

I work for BAESYSTEMS, I'm the Assembly Operations Manager on the JSF Lightning II project. I'm looking for ways of transplanting one of the engines into my bus but I haven't quite sussed it out yet :lol:

Anybody on here into Landscape Gardening? I tempted to break away and have a crack at it would be interested to read peoples experiences.


billybradshaw said:
G'day folks,

Looks like we've got one hell of a mix of professions, between us we could rule the world!!!

I work for BAESYSTEMS, I'm the Assembly Operations Manager on the JSF Lightning II project. I'm looking for ways of transplanting one of the engines into my bus but I haven't quite sussed it out yet :lol:

Anybody on here into Landscape Gardening? I tempted to break away and have a crack at it would be interested to read peoples experiences.



check this out ian for some inspiration: http://www.ronpatrickstuff.com/ :lol:
Do you think security would notice the flame as I drive out of the main gate??? :lol:

Maybe if I 'borrow' some of the STOVL parts I could fly my bus out
When I'm not messing about with the busses, I pretend to be the Technical Director for an Aerospace engineering business.
Its actually quite good fun, but would be better to have a little more spare time.
Slammed said:
I'm a newspaper sub-editor. I rewrite stories, design pages, check copy for legal issues, spelling, grammar etc.

Yes, I was once a sub-editor as well. :wink:

I am a writer and editor, but I've spent the last couple of years working for an investment bank, running a team that produces corporate banking sales proposals. I enjoy my work and it pays better than media.
Im a Firefighter, it's pretty boring really good laugh with the guys i work with though.. pays the bills and for the workshop where i spend most of my time crawling around under vehicles getting covered in sparks whilst welding :roll:
Clem said:
I work for the Ministry of Defence .... deputy General Manager of the UKs' only military vehicle storage depot.

Ah, just north of Chelters that'll be!
I design showers for Mira ... hmmm ... don't suppose you've lost any vans recently? :oops:
Hope they weren't VW's! :wink:
The Selbsters said:
Ah, just north of Chelters that'll be!
I design showers for Mira ... hmmm ... don't suppose you've lost any vans recently? :oops:
Hope they weren't VW's! :wink:

I have a 11kw Sport but it develops a deafening buzzing at higher pressures (lower temps)? im worried :? is it due to scaling? sorry but £150 to get a dude to come look at it :(
I'm a Business Manager for Cirencester Northfield VW which is a great job. Got a new gti ed 30 fully specced & a 1972 camper which now has a £6k restoration bill outstanding on it - ouch :?