1969 Arctic Explorer

Early Bay Forum

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Love it! So much history with this, totally not suprised you shipped it back with you! I had an old Dodge Caravan whilst I was in Canada. Yep, I didnt bother bringing that back...

All the best with the final touches :D

Thanks for the Props :) I'm as happy with the bits you cant see as the bits you can.

All papers at the DVLA now so just waiting for my Reg' shame as they said it'll be a week till I get it and longer if I have to go for inspection :?

......So Missy is going to have to miss out on my Holiday and stay at home :(

I'll have to take my Syncro instead and build a quick camper conversion in the box on the back this weekend.... I guess thats something for the T4 forum :lol:
SO....... :msn4:

Since my last post I've completed a 1-day camper coversion on my T4 Syncro Doka and driven it on a 5000 mile round trip to the Arctic and back :D

Here's a quick before and after on the camping box, a bit of a pain as it was the storage shed for my Bay Project.........





It was an amazing trip and a shame Missy wasn't registered in time, but she is now so I'll have to come up with a new adventure for her.

Below are a few pictures of my trip:

I got the ferry to Denmark then up to Oslo before headed north, round Fjords, over mountains, along the coast to the Arctic and the top of Norway. Seeing the amazing country and the Northern Lights, followed by a quick boost down through Finland, Sweden back to Denmark and finally arriving by ferry back in the UK.












And the best for last me and my bus chilling in the Arctic with the northern lights


There's LOADS more pictures of my trip if you click on this link:

http://www.vwt4forum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=146984" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


Back to work after a few weeks off :)

I've decided to start on the pop top as it's not looking up to scratch with the rest of the bus now......



Amazing trip and photos (had a look on the t4 forum). Paticularly liked the ones with the mountains poking up through the mist with the yellow light of a low sun. Stunning pics - thanks for posting :)

You clearly like the cold. Being a soft southerner I would not have chosen this time of year for such a trip (the sun loungers looked a little optimistic) :lol:

This was one of my efforts a few years ago :oops: before I became a "fair weather camper"

Pyrenees in early November

It suddenly turned so cold overnight we had to run the engine to warm up the gas bottles before we could make a cuppa and warm up the van, so the ice would melt enough so we could open the doors, which had all frozen shut. The thawing process seemed interminable - waiting whilst breaking neck for a jimmy r :lol:

Cheers :)

I should have been in my Early Bay but it was nice having the extra speed as I only had the 2 and a bit weeks.

Trikky you paint a great picture, too funny :lol: and a great picture :D

Trikky2 said:
The thawing process seemed interminable - waiting whilst breaking neck for a jimmy r :lol:

Great pics of what looked like a great trip.Did a smilar trip a few years ago on a bike up into the arctic circle then across and down through ,Norway.Fantastic sceanery and massive sky`s. :D .Hope to take my wife and kid`s to see it one day
bluebay said:
Did a smilar trip a few years ago on a bike up into the arctic circle then across and down through ,Norway

That sounds cold to me :shock:

Any pics (perhaps start a new thread so you don't hijack this one!!!)
Fantastic work fella, i only scrolled thru the pages but now gonna have 2 have in full read soon!

Thanks everyone :)

Works going at a snail's pace :roll: and its dark before I get home every night (but I'm sure it's not just me it's effecting)

Did a bit this weekend but the mist mean my paper kept clogging and there's no way I could put down any primer....

Front section is ready but the rack needs a bit more work, anyone know if the bars came painted from new or the were just in galvi' ?





Hello Hello, how is everyone :D

A combination of weather, work, seasonal sickness and Christmas I've made slow progress on the Bus and I'm so close!!

This week I have finally got the roof finished and on the bus.... sorry but I lost my camera so no pictures of how I did it, but I did it as follows:

*Lightly flatted 240g
*Primed with high build a few times
*Flatted 240g then 400g
*Painted 2k (bright white)
*Fitted new seals
*Fitted painted bars and tie down loops (diamond white)
*Fitted stylish tassels as per Westfalia

Take a peek of the pictures above it was rough! I'm really happy with how it turned out.











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