Camperjam weather is it worth it ?

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myvanway 69 said:
I'm hear!! Wet, muddy, but just watched a nice sunset;-)
Just soooo happy it wasn't cancelled. :)
Kyam fumed already!! Went up a treat slid door back and taw the bitchin thing!!
Gaffa tape for now... And yep it's big :)

Oh dear :shock: it's first time out of the box ain't it? Whoops , You can get a repair kit I think :D
hello everyone. had a real heavy shower here in wolverhampton, but it is brightening up now. weather in west midlands not as bad as weather reports are saying. the midlands is a huge place.... anyway... i know i haven't got my bus yet but to let you know me and my husband will be at camper jam tomorrow, we have a land rover, so should anyone get stuck give us a nudge and we'll do what we can... we will be gentle... promise :D
no problem sparky. tow rope, jump leads etc all loaded up. the weather so far here in wolverhampton is sunny and dry so hopefully it will be all good tomorrow. :D
Well arrived on Friday in the rain and sat in the van for 2 hours waiting for the rain to stop to put up the awning. Got it up and sorted and decided to go and check out the trade area.............bad choice. It was like the Somme.
Oh well we say lets go and check out the entertainment tent for "The Beat"........not turning up due to Extreme weather!! :shock: Everyone else made the effort............

Got up this morning and decided that come leaving time on Sunday it was going to be a nightmare so for the first time ever we bailed out. Not a decision that was taken lightly considering the distance and cost etc. Spoke to a certain well known member of the team who didnt really seem to give a S**t. Oh well you live and learn. :(

I know you cant blame the weather etc but i think the wrong call was made letting this show go ahead. I have always rated this show above all the other big events but realize i was blinkered in my thoughts
official announcement from Camperjam as from today:

[Important announcement for Sunday 8th of July

We are sorry to inform you that we cannot accept any day visitors on Sunday 8th of July (this includes any show and shine entries) due to adverse weather, resulting in poor ground conditions.

All pre-ordered Sunday day tickets will be refunded within the following week of the show. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused and hope you understand our decision.

Please pass this message on to any friends or family that may have plans to attend on Sunday!

Now THAT has pee'd me right off!!! :evil:
Bought my tickets way way back when they 1st came on sale....but as the recent weather events unfolded I decided to give the camping malarky a miss and living pretty local, decided I would just pop down on the Sunday instead.
Now even that has now been taken from me, and at the cost of £70??!!

I do hope the organisers see sense to re-imburse me....if only for the Sunday costs!!
Dont hold your breath. They have no way of telling if you turned up or not unless you got tomorrow anyway and ask for the cash back when they turn you away. This has been handled very badly. Very badly.
I think the team are firefighting at the moment and doing their best as conditions develop. Given the recent rain and then the Friday deluge a park full of vehicles was always going to be a nightmare but lots still wanted to come ... me included. :)

Well see how things go , at the moment it's warm so hopefully the mud will thicken up ...
Sad to hear of the unhappiness around this show , this was one of our must do shows for this year.

john, I don't think that your alone in how you feel... I wonder how many other peeps feel the same way... Maybee they should have prosponed the show with hindsight?

Sounds like We had a lucky escape...

Drive safe everyone see some of you at DATC.

Guys if you need a tow out give me a bell I'm in a Warrior this weekend in the "home is where you park it section" in the treeline with the South Wales Dubbers
07790 474583 I will try and help tow people out
Just bailed from the show. Now sat having a nice fry up in sainsburys in kidderminster. :D mmmmm.

Real shame about the weather, but we gave it a go.

Safe journey to all. :)
Absolute wash out and a waste of money.. I really do hope they offer some form of compensation for people, I really do have nothing good to say about it lol. :? Oh actually I do, I'm eating a greasy fry up at hollies cafe on the A5, AMAZING!!
I'm still here :) It's hot now and drying out. Mr Brightside took the Early Bay trophy :D
Sorry to hear about you guys having a poor time, we had a great time in EarlyBay camping, thanks to all for making it one to remember, yes the mud was thick, and it rained at times but hey who didn't know that before they left? Met some cool people and drank cider, kids met new friends and loved it. We even made it in and out without the help of the tractor :lol:

Chin up guys it's all part of the fun (allegedly)

Edit: note to self buy some wellies
Well for us it was a show of 2 halves,

The good bit was the camaraderie of all the traders who helped each other on Friday getting vehicles onto trade stands etc etc, the people I met from Earlybay and elsewhere and good fun we had on both nights with fellow traders so there were some real positives from the show.

The bad bit was the lack of anyone from the camperjam team prepared to make a decision, hats off to Wendy who ran the trade area but she seemed to be on her own with no assistance whatsoever and ever time she asked for help it was a long time forthcoming.

If you didnt go then the ground conditions were bad at 10am Friday morning, we had to be towed onto our trade pitch (should off gone home then really) and it didn't get any better, by Friday night the trade aisle we were on was a swamp, despite requests for straw or something to scrape off the surface mud there was no reaction whatsover from the team on site.

On Saturday the camperjam team in the marquee were purely concerned with selling T Shirts, magazine subscriptions, best pet contest etc, no one gave a hoot about the state of the trade aisles at all and it was a case of 'just put up with it', its hard to trade when your stand is under 2 inches of mud.

At 3pm yesterday we relunctantly asked to be pulled off our trade pitch (best decision I made all weekend), although this only happened as I got hold of the tractor driver myself as requests to the show team were just being ignored.

Someone on Friday should have had the balls to call off the show but they didn't but then if you choose to go ahead with the show you need to put provisions in place to cope with the ground conditions and that didn't happen either, very little trackway, one tractor on site and no preventative measures with important decisions being made very late in the day. Lots of very disgruntled traders who only found out this morning that no day visitors were being allowed in so most were just packing up and going home, which they would have done last night.

I think the team that run this show need to look long and hard at some decisions that were made this weekend especially the way they left Wendy to cope with all the requests from the traders yet at one time had 8 people selling t shirts, i suggest a rethink as to where their priorities are, without the traders this show is nothing but a few campers parked in a field.

Some pictures of the mud :lol: :lol: :lol:



This was Friday night, already very wet


By then we had our own water feature on the stand


Pete's (Bromsgrove Trimming) Hover Ghia!!


Saturday morning


Saturday Morning


Where we camped last night after being pulled off our trade pitch


Nice view to wake up to


Same trade aisle this morning

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